
What irritates you most about other drivers???

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I really hate it when you are on the freeway and there is a car in each lane and they are all going the same speed, which is under the actual speed limit!!! What do you hate about other drivers???





  2. I hate when other drivers speed up when they see my blinker is on as I'm about to change lanes. It's just a lane change. Why do other drivers act like jerks when someone is just trying to change lanes?

    I know its different when someone cuts you off, but when they put their signal on to change lanes and the other driver speeds up to cut them off? I don't get it.

  3. Tailgating. Or when one of those big trucks with tiny guys who feel good by driving the bigest car. (because it makes them feel powerful) turn on their high beams and get you get blinded by the glare.

  4. I can't say it any better than JETTECH.  He has your best answer by far.

    I'd like to add my hatred of those that get on the freeway, move across all lanes immediately and plant themselves in the fast lane and don't even go very fast, and refuse to move over when you get behind them.

    oh, and when you are in heavy traffic and people make constant lane changes to get in the lane that is moving, only to have that lane stop and the one they were in start moving. that is what makes the traffic worse.

  5. reckless drivers. any driver unmindful of other drivers' safety and rights, i consider reckless. that should also include the situaton you are citing. if all drivers were aware of, and respects other drivers, they would surely know in which lane to stay in so others can pass (safely).

  6. On a highway where one lane is going in each direction, and trucks tailgate each other so that you can't get between them when an on-coming car is coming.

    Runners up:

    People that squirt windshield wiper fluid from their back window on the interstate.

    The people/kids that shine lights out their back window into other people's eyes.

    People that don't check their blind spots or even look when doing a lane change (I really hate being forced off to the side of the interstate to avoid a collision).

    People that won't give other people space to merge onto the interstate.

  7. Regarding your problem i would use the horn.One thing that gets me are drivers that ride on my back bumper when i am doing the speed limit. I usually tap my brake pedal, and they usually back off!!If not they will be buying a new bumper fortwo cars!!

  8. 1) Road Rage

    2) What I call "Horn-o-sexuals:" these are people in the right lane who assume that I should only be turning right since they want to and lean on their horns at a red light.

    3) Stereo-philes, people that think that their music is so good that it should rattle MY mirrors.

    4) Faux-racers, that think it's fair game to cut over so fast that I have to stand on the brakes because they're in a hurry. (I have to stand on the brakes if I want to keep my bumper.)

    5) Bad cell phone drivers.

    6) Sign-o-phobes, who pay no attention to signage and either get into the wrong lane or turn from it, or don't turn when they legally need to.

    7) As you mentioned, cruise control warriors, who won't adjust the cruise control to pass someone else with the cruise control set.

    8) Throttle jockeys, people who accelerate when you try to pass them, which is really more of a nuisance on 2 lane rural roads.

    9) Red-light-racers, the guy in a sports car that thinks because you're in a reputedly fast car, he need's to street race and he's not going to let you make the lane change you've signalled until he finds out who has the better car.

    10) Panic-brakers, these are people that race around you only to stand on the brakes because there's a raill crossing and they have to be careful with their rims.

    11) SUV-o-phobes, these are people that actually roll down the window to rail at me for driving the Wrangler and "hogging all the gas" thereby driving up their fuel prices. (Hey! I own the thing for a reason!)

    12) Convenience store parking lot ragers, these are the clowns that are in such a hurry to get in and get out that they won't let you out of a parking spot because they've got to get in or out.

    13) Improperly stowed moving boy. His girlfriend kicked him out, and he forgot to tie down the sofa. Those are hard to dodge when they come out of the bed of his pick-up.

    14) Diesel-fanatics, such as the guys in Dodges that think they have to linger beside me in the F350 I use for work and deliberately f**t exhaust at me to tell me how much better their truck is.

    15) Tune-o-philes, the kids with souped up Hondas and the like that have me wondering, for the ten seconds it takes for the doppler shift to hit me as they race by, if I've got a wheel bearing going out.

    16) Sticker-matics. People that cover the entire rear window of the car and use a divining rod to decide when they can change lanes. (Hey! Use a mirror!)

    17) Insurance claim dodgers. They cause an accident, accept your offer to settle without going through insurance, drag their feet for six weeks when you finally call the insurance company, and lie through their teeth to keep a claim from being filed.

    18) The delusion that they don't have a mechanical problem. The semi-truck spitting sparks out of one of the drive wheels comes to mind, as well as another that I actually got out at a light to tell him he was on fire, only to watch him turn right and head down towards the interstate.

    19) RV-phobiacs, these are the folks that decide that since you're towing an RV, they shouldn't be passed despite the fact they're 10 mph under the speed limit.

    20) People that assume having a nice car allows them to be a complete and total prick in heavy traffic. They think the shoulder is a new lane because they "have to get there!" and do 80 on the shoulder when traffic is stopped, encounter a stalled car, then start honking and trying to force their way back in.

    I could go on, but I've gone on long enough.


  9. people who drive little tiny cars and think that they need more space on the road than i do in my truck.....just because its a truck doesnt mean that i can drop into the ditch so you can keep you little foriegn b*****d car clean.....any anyway my truck is worth 2-3 times what your car was worth brand new so dont give me that bs either

  10. Since I drive in the city most, it's people that RACE from stop light to stop light.  I get to the next light before it changes, no need to race for it!

    ~Cindy!  :|


  11. I hate it when the person in front of you gets very hesitant and starts breaking constantly when there's no one in front of him or her. Also I hate it when people drive really slow with their indicator on for 5 minutes deciding whether to make a right turn or not, then they eventually end up making a left turn...

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