
What irritates you the most?

by  |  earlier

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if you are in a relationship with someone what irritates you the most about them




  1. if they leave mess around and expect you to pick it up and their argument is i'll do it  later, knowing that you will have to pick it up cause it's disgusting otherwise....

  2. When they invade my privacy and/or personal boundaries in any way. For example, like if they're trying to force me to trust them too early.

  3. when they have trust issues

  4. I really hate when I am in a relationship and the guy says he will call or come over later and then doesn't. I would rather he not tell me he is going to do something that he ends up not following through on. This really, really irritates me!

  5. if they make you look bad or embarrass you in front of other people maybe by accident or maybe to get a laugh

  6. ******Their bad temper outbursts and lack of patience.

  7. laziness

    ive been living with my partner now for three years and he still doesn't know where the laundry basket is!!

  8. That they don't apologize or accept they're wrong.  

  9. When guys don't act like a gentleman.  They should hold doors open for you, pull out your chair, suprise you with flowers, take you out for dinner....etc.

    If they don't do all that for you then i really don't think they're the one!

  10. lying and doing stuff with other guys without me knowing  [like she was trying to keep it a secret]  because then i would think something is going on.

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