
What is, according to you, the most important scientific breakthrough of the last 50 years ?

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What is, according to you, the most important scientific breakthrough of the last 50 years ?




  1. The Human Genome Project.

  2. The Mobile Phone

  3. The integrated circuit (1963) without which there would be no Internet, no GPS, no mobile phones, no home computers and virtually no electronics.

    Edit: the transistor was invented in 1948 and the van der Graaff generator in 1929, well over 50 years ago, so they don't count!

  4. Discovery of DNA

  5. The Environmental Movement.

    The fact that we finnaly realized that if we do not take care of our planet it will become one big toxic toilet.

    Whether we have time to reverse the effects of our stupidity is yet to be see.

  6. You asked about 'Scientific' breakthoughs, Most of the anwers so far are about technological advances or are way off in terms of their dates.

    I would say: Beginning to understand how gene expression is controlled.

    (Jacob and Monod, 1961)

    We are even now only at the beginning of unravelling the details of how the 'recipe' that is the genetic code turns into the product which is the organism.

  7. Them tooth pick things with the floss on a hook. Brilliant

  8. The Van de Graaff generator of course, the high energy which was needed in the early days particle accelerator test - the ability to create high-energy collisions is the foundation of particle and nuclear physics.

    Perhaps this page supports my thinking @

  9. the transistor. it led to the development of our modern silicone chips and without which a mobile  telephone would still be the size of  several house bricks and weigh around 15 lbs.

      also it made possible flat screen TVs, electronic wristwatches etc the list goes on and on.

  10. The axial-flow compressor gas turbine engine, (Picked this as it's inside the 50 year boundary however, if I could I would have chosen just the gas turbine).

    These made efficient high speed flight possible, which in turn developed a need for advanced control systems and most of the articles put forward so far have their basis in making things light, compact and reliable for use in aircraft. Plus, without them I wouldn't have a job...

  11. I would also say the integrated circuit, also known as microcircuit, microchip, silicon chip, or just chip, and which is a miniaturized electronic circuit.

    Because that is what made possible the creation of compact size computers which are so important in our lives for enabling internet and communication etc

  12. The Internet.

    I'm aware of the many other breakthroughs that made the Internet possible but I can only pick one, so .. the Internet.


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