
What is 1/200 scale in inches?

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Hi all, would like to know what the 1/200 scale is in inches. anyone know?




  1. You asked the question and I answer, but I am sure there will be many similar answers.

    1/200 scale in inches: 1inch = 200 inches. On a map e.g. if the distance between two points is 1 inch, the real distance between those to points is 200inches.

  2. Okay... SCALE is simply a ratio and will therefor work in ANY form of linear measurement !!

    So 1:200 is -

    1 inch (real world) = 200 inches (of model)

    1 foot (real world) = 200 feet (of model)

    1 meter (read world) = 200 meter (of model)

    Now, YOU have to do the additional calculations between feet and inches... multiplying or dividing by 12 as needed.

    eg 2 inches (real world) = 400 inches (of model) = 400/12 feet = 33.3333333  feet = 33 feet 4 inches (of model).

  3. 1 inch = 200 inch's.... is this on a plan or map of some kind?

  4. Hi:

    To help you to understand what a scale is, you need to know what it is:

    A scale is a way to express something that is too big or too small into something we can relate to in our measurement of things

    Usually is represented in the English System As 1: By some

    unit of inches ( or Centimeter in the metric System - For our purposes; the English inches is used here) This is a Reduction Meaning the Scale Model is going to be smaller than the world object it represents

    However if it read 4:1 or 4 to 1 than it a Enlargement meaning that the scale model,drawing or plans is going to larger than the real world object it represent this is done to show detail or to help make something that is very small like a wristwatch gear

    A scale model is a representation or copy of an object that is larger or smaller than the actual size of the object being represented. Very often the scale model is smaller than the original and used as a guide to making the object in full size. Scale models are built or collected for many reasons.

    Professional modelmakers often create models for the below professions:

    For engineers who require scale models to test the likely performance of a particular design at an early stage of development without incurring the full expense of a full-sized prototype.

    For architects who require architectural models to evaluate and sell the look of a new construction before it is built.

    For filmmakers who require scale models of objects or sets that cannot be built in full size.

    For salesmen who require scale models to promote new products such as heavy equipment and automobiles and other vehicles.

    Hobbyists or amateur modelmakers make die-cast models, injection molded, model railroads, remote control vehicles, wargaming and fantasy collectibles, model ships and ships in bottles for their own enjoyment.

    Scale models can also be objects of art, either being created by artists or being rediscovered and transformed into art by artists.

    Okay with that out of the way

    So let see what this mean For example

    A 1:87 scale means that for every 1 inch on the ruler or on a scaled drawing plan or a 1/87 scale model means that it will be 87 inches on the real world object size. For example:

    A 1: 87 model of a train water tower measures 2 inches high. How big or high is the Real world train tower be?

    Answer :

    Our scale Model train water tower is 2 inches


    2 *87 = 174 inch of the real world train tower or 174/12 = 14.5 feet or 14 feet 6 inch high

    A Real world forest ranger lookout tower measures 150 feet high and you want make a 1:174 scale model of it. How big will the Scale model of it be?


    150 feet *12 = 1,800 inches ( This is done to get into real world inches)

    Now our scale is 1 scale inch of model equals 174 real world inches So do the following :

    1800/174 = 10.3448 inches or 10 and 5/16 inches

    So our Scaled model of a Forest Ranger Lookout

    Tower will be 10.3448 inches tall

    Let say a House is 40 by 60 feet long and we are are make a 1:12 scale Model of it . How big will the scale model of the house be :

    Okay we know the house is 40 feet by 60 feet So:

    40*12 = 480 Real world inches


    60*12 = 720 real world inches


    480/12 = 40 Scaled inch or 40 inches on the ruler or 3 ft ,4 inches

    720/12 = 60 Scale inches or 60 inches on the ruler or 5 ft

    So our Scale house will be 40 inches by 60 inches or 3 ft, 4 inches by 5 ft

    Notice something?

    Anytime you have a 1/12 scale, the feet become the same as the inches and vice vera for the scaled object to the real world object

    for example a 3 foot rod will be 3 inches on the scale model of it

    or 2 inches on a scaled beam in 1/12 scale will be a 2 foot real world beam

    And that all there is to it .

    For other type of scale sizes visit this website:

  5. The scale is a method for increasing or decreasing the size of dimensions. You can scale up so that an original model that measures 1 inch will measure 200 inches when completed. Or you can scale down, in which case if the original model measured 200 inches the scaled down model would measure 1 inch.

    Scaling up 1 inch = 200 inches

    Scaling down 1 inch  = 1/200ths inch.

    Scaling will work with whatever units of measurement you want to use. The size of the scaling is what makes the diffrence. 1/1 will result in a model of the same size.

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