
What is 1 problem with the economy, and tell me how we could tackle the problem?

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  1. The biggest problem is our dependancy on foreign oil, and oil in general. We need to start acting on alternative fuel sources. We already have the technology, but we don't have the motivation. No one will buy hydrogen cars until there are hydrogen stations, and no one will buy hydrogen stations until there are hydrogen cars. This is the point at which the government needs to step in and invoke that interstate commerce clause (This clause gives the government authority to do whatever is necessary to stimulate interstate economy, or something like that. It has been stretched to justify a ban on selling cigarettes within 10 miles of a school, so I think it should work for hydrogen fueling stations too, right?).

    As for energy, we need to stop playing to the uneducated hippies and take a leaf out of Europe's book. Nuclear power is the way of the future! We need to get rid of all coal-powered plants and replace them with clean, efficient, high-output nuclear power facilities. A nuclear power plant produces less radioacive pollutants per watt of power produced than a coal powered plant, and everything in the facility is of the utmost precision, quality, and safety.

    Even still, as great as nuclear power plants are, there are so many other sources of energy we could be taking advantage of. Practically anything that moves or produces heat or light could be used to create energy, the sun, wind, ocean tides, everything! By taking advantage of this, we can become completely self-sufficient energy wise!

    Finally, we could use more efficient ways of storing, transporting, and using our energy. Scientists are still trying to tame a particular kind of energy-conducting crystal into growing correctly, but once completed, the figures describing the amount of energy savings and overall efficiency are almost frightening (upwards of 300%, if memory serves)

  2. It's not a question of there being a problem with the economy; the economy moves in cycles of boom and bust, and this cannot be avoided because of its very nature.

    Economic Phases:

    Early Expansion - Falling inflation, bottoming interest rates, flat to rising industrial production, sharply rising consumer confidence.

    Middle Expansion - Bottoming out inflation, moderately rising interest rates, sharply rising industrial production, levelling off consumer confidence.

    Late Expansion - Moderately rising inflation, rapidly rising interest rates, flattening out industrial production, declining consumer confidence.

    Early Contraction - Inflation rising more moderately, rapidly rising interest rates, declining industrial production, sharply falling consumer confidence.

    Late Contraction - Flat to declining inflation, falling interest rates, diminishing decline in industrial production, reviving consumer confidence.

  3. the one major problem i see with the economy is gordon brown  and the labour government they are fixed on putting this country into recession and letting the rich get away with everything and the poor into h**l. Get rid of labour the only way to do it gordon brown went into hiding when there have been the petrol strikes tony blair got out when he knew the country was going downhill.

  4. The biggest problem with the economy in my opinion is the shear price of oil and the over dependancy on it.

    We need to produce a technology to combat the need for oil. we need to be more open minded when searching for alternatives and we need to work a way to stop the machine that is the oil industry.

    I don't know what that is though. If I did I would be a multi billionaire by now.

  5. Simple we need to develop alternative fuel (methanol is a joke)

    We need to work on Bio Diesel, fuel cells and other things like that.

    If we stop start to decrease are need for oil from the Middle East we will thrive and they will sink...

    We will be able to sell the rest of the world alternative fuel vehicles and the need for the middle east oil will dwindle.

    We need to be true pioneers BUT too much big money is in oil and too many people make money of the oil companies.

  6. Overpopulation and the ratio of productive people giving to the economy to the number of unproductive people who do not work   but take from the economy.

    EDIT: Evidently from the two thumbs down people either think that all of those claiming benefits shouldnt bother working, or there are just a lot of benefits seekers trawling yahoo answers all day with nothing to do but defend their honour on yahoo answers paying for their internet connection with mine and everyone elses hard earned tax contributions. Maybe I'm wrong?

  7. The problem with economy is not just in england, is everywher (i'm italian and i see it).

    The world needs a new economic system, the capitalism is over and the globalization without control is over too.

    in some years the governments will understand it and we will have a new international economic system and the situation will become better

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