
What is 2and2=22 or 4.right answer will get 10 points

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What is 2and2=22 or 4.right answer will get 10 points




  1. watever u think is right...if u keep 2 just besides nther 2 as if dey r having a marriage without love.. it'll be 22 but if u'll sum dem up and make dem 1 as if dey r in luv..den it'll bcom 4....he.he.he...just tryin to get 10 points yaar...lets c...

  2. gr8 question... even aryabhatta wont answer !!!

  3. In most mathematical questions "and" is the operative, otherwise known as "plus".  

    What could therefore be considered the operative word of "sum".  

    So the answer to the questions "what is 2 and 2?" would be "4".

    If this isn't a mathematical question (thanks to the english language for allowing so many variables of the same words!) the answer would be "22"


  4. iTs a General question which is asked ta kids but  not using ur mind dat "mATheMatIcal OPERATION" o something HUH!! !! da answer can be both ie 2 aur 2 is 4 n even 2 n 2 ......22

  5. 2+2=4


  6. 2and2 is nothing there should atleast a sign between these two

  7. 2 tens and 2 ones (units) = 22

    2 and (plus) 2 = 4

  8. when you are asking 2 AND 2 it has to be 4 because AND means plus it does not mean puting them side by side so it should not be 22 because in this case they are pput side by side.

  9. well the ans is 22. simple. and i get 20 point for trying to answer such a diffi. question

  10. 2and2 = 2and2 :O

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