
What is $36.29 with a 5% and 6% sales tax?

by  |  earlier

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I want to buy something for $36.29, and just wanted to know how much it would be with a 5 or 6% sales tax. ( I forgot how much sale tax is here)




  1. $38.10 at 5%

    $38.47 at 6%

    Take the amount of the item times 1.05 for 5% or 1.06 for 6%.

  2. Multiply 36.29 by .05 and by .06. You will get your totals that way.

  3. 36.29 + 1.81 tax = $38.10  (5 % tax)

    36.29 + 2.18 tax = $38.47 (6 % tax)

  4. you should have learned this in school can you tell if your getting the right change when you pay ?

  5. $38.10 with 5% sales tax

    $38.46 with 6% sales tax

    All together your total cost comes to:


  6. 38.10 with a 5% sales tax


    38.47 with a 6% sales tax

  7. You can do it by head with no calculator:

    5+6 = 11

    11 = 10 +1

    10% of 36.29 = 3.629

    1% of 36.29 = 0.3629

    total = 36.29+3.629+0.3629 = $40.2819

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