
What is ''tempoyak'' and how is it made? I know it is durian but how?

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What is ''tempoyak'' and how is it made? I know it is durian but how?




  1. No idea coz I don't eat tempoyak. Sambal belacan, petai and jering ok la.

  2. you eat tempoyak ke?

  3. Got two types or tempoyak, the normal one and cooked one. The normal one still having the smells but the cooked one is without smell and nice to eat as sambal. or dip with petai, jering or the butcher's meat

  4. Tempoyak is fermented durian.

    While tempoyak is not for direct consumption, it can be eaten with ulam pegaga or eaten with rice.

  5. Tempoyak is fermented durian, usually made from lower quality durian

    that is not suitable for direct consumption. Tempoyak can be eaten cooked or uncooked and is normally eaten with rice. Tempoyak retained all the flavor and nasty smell of durian; the Malaysian equivalent of aged cheese.

    and this the picture of it.

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