
What is 'greener'?

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I am trying to run a 'greener' household and one of the main things I want to change is the cleaners and detergents I use. I am wondering if it is greener to dispose of what I have now and replace it with more enviromentally safe products? Or should I use up what I have and then replace them? I know part of going green is not wasting things that can still be used but, I cant figure if it is worse for the enviroment for me to use the cleaners I have now or to turf them and start fresh. Help?




  1. Personally, I would recommend using the products first then replace them.  It is good that you are thinking about this at this level.  You don't want to put things to waste.  Even the green items have an environmental impact.  Disposal of the products in an ecologically friendly way would be more expensive and time-consuming than using them.

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