
What is 'nano technology'?

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I know I could use a search engine. I rely on you lovely people to answer in language easily understood by a 'technophobe' such as myself!




  1. use your search engine

  2. It's all on the web.

  3. it is when something that is really small but has a lot of power like computers. first they were really big (about the width of a standard liveing room) but only had power equal to an average calculator now you've got computer technology the size of a mobile phone that can do a lot more. the same for thing like batteries could be small but last really long and more voltage.... no one really knows what the future brings with technology and electronics

  4. Nanotechnology is technology based on tiny structures of molecules in the nanometer range (a billionth of a meter).  It's relatively new technology, but it has thousands of possible applications, with more being discovered every day.  For example, carbon nanotubes are a specific arrangement of carbon molecules that are more than 150 times as strong as steel, and much lighter.  It's a really cool field, you should definitely check it out more.

  5. Nano technology refers to all devices that are 10000 times smaller than a millimeter. Though some devices have started using  that kind of range but we are not there yet. It would be like calling the first telephone a mobile or the first map a GPS device.

    The term is widely used for carbon nanotubes, which are tubes of carbon just one carbon atom in width. it is expected that these tubes would be very strong and elastic. Second most widely used meaning is quantum computers where research is on to make transistors from a few atoms only. The basic idea of course being packing more of what is already around in much smaller scale making it almost superefficient in the process.

  6. Nanotechnology refers to a field of applied science and technology whose theme is the control of matter on the atomic and molecular scale, generally 100 nanometers or smaller, and the fabrication of devices that lie within that size range.

  7. It's purely a marketing buzzword to get people excited. The truth is, all the electric circuits in your computers are already 45nanometers. So, we've been using 'nanotechnology' for a while now. It just means using smaller and smaller material to create more portable devices and higher performance. For example, we can create better solar panels capable of higher efficiency if we shrink our materials. Our cell phone will use less power if we shrink our circuit elements. We can build nanomachines to say, fix our damaged organs, etc.

  8. Nano technology is the progression of technology to the point where devices can be naked to the human eye.

    I.e. RFID also known as radio frequency Identification.. which is a newer technology that is being implemented in newer electronics, cars, and even clothing. Basically it tracks where you're going and reports back to the manufacturer/retailer. They say that the technology prevents theft in stores. Nano technology is a huge concern obviously because of the privacy issues it raises.

  9. Nanotechnology is most certainly not purely a marketing buzzword, however, it has been hijacked as a marketing term in some contexts. You can find out more about science and technology underpinning work at a scale just a few billionths of meter via this link.

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