
What is 47 in ASCII and BCD?

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Thanks to all who gave me answers. I found 47 in BCD it is 101111.




  1. the 47th ASCII character is '/' - the forward slash

    47 as a BCD would be 0100 0111  


    (assuming the LSB is on the right-hand side)

  2. I'm not really sure what the 47 is in binary coded decimal but here's a link that explains how to make a C program that converts decimal to BCD.

  3. In ASCII, 47 is "/" character. I don't know 47 in BCD. Even I don't know what BCD is.

  4. chrisjk got both answers correct.  BA to him.  

    BCD is stored in a 4-bit nibble:  0001 0010 0111 = 127 in decimal.

    The most significant two digits – is usually stored in the lowest address in memory, independent of the endianness of the machine.


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