
What is -5 - 4 ?????

by  |  earlier

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two of my friends are going crazy about this xD. okay so one says the answer is -1 and the other says its -9 . they keep on complaining. so what is it?




  1. -5 - 4= -9, When you take away from a number you obviously go down, unless they are both negative.

  2. It's -9. Here is a number line:

    -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

    Start at -5 and go back 4.

  3. it's -9

    the answer would be -1 if the problem was written like this: -5 - -4, in which case you would have to change the two negatives before 4 into a positive sign. which would then leave you with -5 + 4 = -1.

    the reason why it's -9 is because you have to add both numbers when they have the same sign. in this case since they are both negatives, you add the numbers and keep the negative sign.

  4. -5 - 4 is the same as -5 + -4, being negative five plus negative four, which would be -9, I hope i helped out.
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