
What is 7 Up? (the game)?

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I'm from Australia and I keep on hearing about this American game called 7Up. I know 7Up the softdrink, but not the game. What is it? How do you play? What sort of age group is it for?




  1. We played this a few times in middle school. 5 or so students go to the front and the rest put their heads down and close their eyes, but hold up their thumb. the 5 kids go around and squeeze one person's thumb each then return to the front. The people who got squeezed have to guess who squeezed their thumb. If they guess right, they swap places with the person who squeezed their thumb.

    Kinda pointless but we all loved it in middle school.

  2. its a little kids game this is what u do u needs alot of ppl like 20 and u pick 7 ppl every has their eyes close with the thums up the 7 people touches their thump (1 person per person ) and then once they are done the 7 people they chose stands up and guesses who chose them if they are correct the go up and the other person sits down if they are incorrect the person up there stays u can shorten it if u dont have enough people for example if u have 5 people u can play 2 up

  3. It's a kid's game, for 5-15 year olds. You could play when you're older... I mean, it doesn't matter what age you are. But it's mostly played by that age group. It's usually played in a classroom with desks of some sort.

    How to play:

    You should have a fairly large group of people at least 14.

    If you don't have that many, you can shortent the game to be 5 up, or 3 up. ( for 5up, have 10 ppl, for 3up, have 6 ppl.)

    What you do is, have 7 people stand at the front of the room. All the rest of the kids put their heads on the desk, eyes closed, and stick their thumbs up when the 7 people say "Heads  Down". Then the chosen 7 walk around the room and each choose one person. They then touch that person on the head, arm, thumb, ect, and that person who was touched puts their thumb down.

    When the 7 are all done choosing, they go back to the front of the room and they say "Heads up seven up" Then everyone who was sitting lifts their heads off the desk and the people who were chosen by the 7 ppl stand up.

    The people chosen now have to guess which of the 7 had picked them.

    They go about this by saying the name of the person who picked them, and if they get it right, they trade spots with the person, if they get it wrong, they remain at the desk. If they got it right, they are now oen of the 7. They do this proccess one at a time, they don't shout out the name! :P

    and that's pretty much the game.

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