
What is A Day In The Life Of A Vet Tech Like?

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I'm interested in becoming a Vet Tech, there's a great college right down the road, and seeing as I love animals, and already work at the shelter, (I'm in love with my job) I figure that it would be a natural fit. But I am just wondering if anyone actually already is a Vet Tech and could tell me what it is like to be one. Maybe from beginning of shift til the end.





  1. Well, if I were you I would talk to the college and see if they have a program where you can shadow a vet tech for the day, that or go out to some vetrinary clinics and ask them if they would allow you to shadow one of the vet techs for the day to see what the job is like, because you are interested in pursueing this as a future job.

    Just go ask. :)

    But, basically, they do the beginning accessment of animals in larger clinics, they could do some feeding/etc with the animal care, could clean up the cages, they assist the vetrinarian in holding animals for shots, examination, etc.

    A vet tech is just like a nurse except for animals :).  Go shadow someone, good luck.

  2. Honestly, I don't think it would be very glamorous.  Probably a lot of cleaning up p**p, and holding down animals getting shots.

  3. Beginning: Make sure rooms are stocked, get machines up and running, greet appointments, take weights of animals, put appointments in rooms

    Throughout the day: Run tests (heartworm, intestinal parasite, urinalysis, etc.), put appointments in rooms, prepare vaccines, restrain animals during appointments, take x-rays, assist with surgeries, anything else needed

    End: Close down machines, make sure everything is clean/ready for the next day

    That's it in a nutshell.

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