
What is A THEME of a book,,, What is the Theme of Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets?

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What is A THEME of a book

What is the Theme of Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets




  1. Angst





    Children's fiction


    Take your pick!

  2. Wizardry and Witch Craft

    Secret Chambers

  3. I think the underlying theme is probably dealing with grief and personal dreams and goals.....nope sorry that is the theme of the sorcerers stone.

    Tolerance of people who are different

    Reliance on a community

    Importance of choices



    Sparksnotes sums it up pretty well.

  4. To discover what and where is the Chamber of Secrets.  

  5. well there are many entwining themes in a book as great as one of the Harry Potters. One theme is to not believe everything you hear. Another theme is that what you are looking for might be closer than you think. Also, History repeats itself. There is more but I can't think of more right now. Sorry, I will edit this if I think of more.

  6. The theme of a book is the underlying "moral lesson" you could say. It lies beneath the actual story and speaks to and explores universal truths, usually simple ones. For the Chamber of Secrets you could pick from several different themes. Some that I see are first, and probably most obvious, Good triumphs over evil. Another, don't trust a stranger (From Ginny talking to the diary.) Another could be, never leave friends or family behind and help them when they are in trouble. (From Harry, Ron, and Hermione saving Ginny) Some more foggy themes might be, always trust your instinct (Harry doesn't know why he does it but he stabs the journal with the fang, miraculously the only way to kill it), but some things may not be what they appear. (throughout the series Harry often suspects classmate Malfoy as the one behind any mischief, but it is always something bigger in the end.) Also maybe, what you consider a personal vice may turn out to save your life (referring to the fact that Harry can speak parcel, frowned upon by classmates, but it ends up saving his life because that is how he enters the chamber.)

  7. There are several themes that are woven into Harry Potter.  There is the age old theme of good versus evil.  In some of the Harry Potter stories, the external struggle between evil, between Harry Potter and he-shall-not-be-named is echoed by another struggle within Harry Potter himself between good and evil.  There is a theme of temptation, when the boys "borrow" the family car to fly to Hogwarts, or when Harry is tempted to gaze into the mirror to see his parents, or when he sneaks into town to join the class trip, etc.   There is a theme of resurrection, the headmaster's phoenix familiar, and when Harry  Harry mistakes himself for his father at one point, and when Harry (a child) survives the deaths of his parents to become a wizard of fame.   There is the "growing of age" theme, of course.    There is a theme of transformation with examples too numerous to mention, juxtaposed with the slow transformation of Harry from boy into man.  Hogwarts school itself is transformed at one point through politics, and the man who betrayed Harry's parents is transformed from rat into man, while he is chased by a man who transforms from man to dog.

    Those are several examples of themes that you might find in the Harry Potter stories.  The question is, what theme is striking to you when you consider this story, and what examples can you find to support your theme?  This is not a question with a right answer and a wrong answer.  Just as people can look at an inkblot and see an amazing variety of things, so can many themes be found in a work of literature.

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