
What is ACT exam out of?? plz help[?

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do u know what is ACT out of ?? how do i prepare for it?




  1. It's out of a 36.

    I scored a 34 on it, which is equivalent to a 1540 on the math and critical reading portions of the SAT.

    In general, people find the ACT easier than the SAT. ACT questions are more straightforward, while SAT questions try to trick you or require you to think in more unconventional ways.

    The writing portion on the ACT is optional, unlike on the SAT. However, most colleges will only accept the ACT if it includes the writing portion, so make sure you sign up for that.

    I don't think there is a need to prepare for it, because it really is a joke. Take it once and see how you feel. You might do fantastically! If you'd rather feel prepared and ready for it, all bookstores carry test prep books. Just look for one that has ACT 2008 edition on the cover/spine.

    Good luck, and don't sweat it.

  2. they sell practice books

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