
What is ALL this talk about HD TiVo?

by Guest33445  |  earlier

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I see it alot, and appear to be a special remote and special box, but what does it do and why is it so special




  1. It's the same as basic TiVo except it will handle an HD signal.  

  2. If you are familiar with the fooxtel iq box it works much the same way, You can tell it what to record and it does it automatically, Eg you can tell it to record 'happy days' for the rest of your life, it will know when it comes on and automatically record it so when you look in your library of saved shows it will be there and you can watch when you want.

  3. Tivo Series 3 HD is a form of DVR that allows users to record HD quality for playback later.

    Due to limitations with licensing the only Tivo HD systems that are available are

    1. Standalone - Tivo box without a Cable or Satellite name brand.

    - This is the most common for Tivo customers who do not want to be tied down by a single entertainment provider such as Time Warner, Comcast, or Dish. This box is your own property and does not require you to return the equipment at the end of your service provider contract.

    2. Branded Tivo - Tivo box designed to work with only 1 provider such as Dish Network, Comcast, etc. These boxes belong to the provider and must be returned at the end of your contract.

    - This is most common for consumers that do not want to pay for a Tivo out of pocket. Owning a Tivo is a large investment that pays off in about 3 years.

    Both record in HD quality that also requires an HDTV to view at such high resolution video.

    The hype about HD is mostly due to the fact that the FCC will shutdown analog video broadcasting over the air. This means that if you use an antenna to receive your TV shows that unless it is an HD setup you will no longer be able to watch TV. Cable and satellite providers are not limited by this and will continue to move to HD at their own pace.

  4. first of all, tivo is a brand name of dvr, and they are very popular with most of their customers,

    the technology of hd had long escaped tivo loyal users, but a hd tivo allows customers to pause live tv, record up to two seperate shows on two seperate channels simultaneously, while watching something previously recorded, which you have complete control over (you can pause, rewind, fast foward, instant replay, etc., which is great for skipping commercials)

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