
What is AP Psychology like?

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Enlighten me please.




  1. compared to all of the other ap tests you can take, i think this is statistically the easiest. i absolutely loved my class, it was interesting and amazing, but i also had a kickass teacher. so i won't talk on and on about how amazing it was, because honestly, it might be different for you.

    but yeahhh, the ap test was the least stressful and shortest one i took during high school (i took it my junior year). it's not like the ap us history test or something, or ap english: you know what they're going to ask. it's really linear -- you sort of know what you'll need to know on the exam, and basically, all you need to know is vocabulary. know your vocab, and you're 100% good to go. multiple choice is something i flew past, and the essays are incredibly easy and low-key. you dont' have to format it like real essays, for one, with an intro and conclusion and whatever... you just use bullet points, and get straight to what you need to say.

    anyway, i got a five. best class ever. buy a review book pretty early; i wanted to get it a couple of weeks before the test and all the ap books always seem to be sold out. check through a couple of them before you buy. there's on ap review book that gives a detailed outline of what you should study and when before the test... like, 'day 3 of studying, go over this' or whatever.

    last tip: sign up for this thing called! it's amazing. it's basically a glossary of all the terms in the ap book. sign up now, and it will send you a message a day, monday through friday (i think), with a word of the day. read it. soon you'll start reading words you've already learned in class, and it's a good review.... (you'll learn about memory in ap psych ;P). you can cancel it after the ap test and stuff.

  2. one of my friends took it because she needed the credit and she said it was reeeally easy. i think she took it when she was a junior

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