
What is Adelaide like to live in?

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Is there much to do there? I'm told although it's a small city, it still has the feel of a town. Which can be a good or a bad thing depending on how you look at it.




  1. I grew up in the Coffs Harbour area of NSW, lived in Sydney for 9 years (too long!) and have currently been in Adelaide for the past 3 years and I can't wait to leave. Adelaide is great for it's short travel times, it's so easy to get to the beach (there's no waves though), to the city and to the Hills (which are awesome!). Generally the people are friendly but there is alot of racism towards Aboriginals and Asians. However there are a few things that really spoiled it for me here.

    1) Adelaide drivers are the worst- they drive ten km less than the speed limit, don't use indicators, hog the right-hand lane (you have to over-take on the left). Honestly if don't want your daily driving experience to be one of constant frustration and even anger avoid this place at all costs.

    2) Public transport is less then sufficient.

    3) Road and street signs are non-existant or too small and badly positioned. You have to find your way around here via landmarks.

    People of Adelaide tend to favourably compare their fair city to those of the east like Sydney and Melbourne, as if that was reason enough to think that is why Adelaide is better. However this is dumb because there is no comparision. Adelaide is indeed unique and it has great potential to become one of Australia's best capital cities to live in. But in saying that, for a state capital city it is seriously lacking infrastructure, driver education and progressivness.

    Edit: I'm not surprised I have already recieved a thumbs down for my doubt it was give by some die-hard Adelaide fan who grew up here and has done little travelling (probably only to Sydney or Melbourne). Hint, they don't like "convicts" who underscore Adelaides problems...they're in denial you see, they can't except the truth. But hey I think every state capital city sux cos there is nothing better than the country.

  2. Adeliade is a very cool place to live in. The people are friendly, you get to fit in easly, so much to see, like the mixture of culture and it just like an other place like home you will not feel as if you are far away form home. There is no place like Adeliade in Australia.

    Cheap, simple, comfortable e.t.c life if that what you are looking for

  3. Adelaide's a great place to live; I'm currently not there, though miss it heaps. You’re right it does have many of the qualities of a smaller city though it still offers what the larger cities have as well, though with a more quality relaxed pace of life and a pretty affordable place too. Entertainment & arts are plentiful, great inexpensive food, café’s, heaps to do esp. in Summer and Autumn, ease of accessibility is a bonus to getaway locations like the many small towns / villages in the surrounding hills, the nation’s best wine regions and the beaches, makes the city pretty special. The climate's pretty good, not much rain though and can get pretty hot in late summer. I reckon the eastern, south eastern, south western and beach side suburbs are the pick of the suburbs to live in, like all cities you’ll pay more in better suburbs. If you’re not a boring person you should really like Adelaide!

    Adelaide has been recently selected 5th place in the world's most “liveable cities” by the Economist magazine

    (If you can find the latest copy of the Lonely Planet AUSTRALIA, it has a broad and I feel a pretty accurate overview of Adelaide)

  4. I live in Adelaide and have done so all my life. It has that small town/city feel to it but it is also known as "Florida" a lot of the older generation lives here. It's affordable to live here and it nice a pretty clean. Many of the younger generation leaves Adelaide because since we are a smaller city we don't have much to offer for employment to get anywhere in regards to career launching. It can sometimes get boring here coz personally I don't think there is much to do here. For example we don't have a theme park, aquarium for the kids, not many indoor activities to do and we don't even have an elephant at our zoo coz the zoo is really small. Adelaide is nice and cosy but a little boring at times.

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