
What is Al Gore's opinion towards global warming?

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tell me briefly

for example it is caused by humans or it is just natural cycle etc.

plz tell me




  1. Humans~

    Al Gore is the messiah for the climate change fanatics and his error-strewn polemic An Inconvenient Truth , has been dispatched to every British school on orders of the Blair government, so that kids may be forcefully brainwashed into accepting that man-made global warming is as much a reality as the surveillance cameras, metal detectors and biometric scanning for lunches that they have to endure as part of their "education."

    Gore's 20 room private mansion uses 20 times the national U.S. average of gas and electricity , as Gore lavishes himself in his heated swimming pool while poor people and the middle class await the onslaught of carbon taxes to eviscerate any disposable income they have left.

    Gore is behind the spectacle of the Live-8 style Live Earth concerts that will take place in numerous cities around the world on July 7 to raise awareness about climate change. The performers who will be showcased at these concerts include people like Madonna, who owns at least 6 gas-guzzling cars including a Mercedes Maybach, two Range Rovers, Audi A8s and a Mini Cooper S.

  2. Its a way for him to make money.  If he were really worried about the human effect on the environment, he would change his lifestyle.

  3. It's not a natural cycle and Al Gore supports this. (Notice how some attack know...don't know the message, attack the messenger).

    In a natural cycle, CO2 increases at a rate of about 30 ppm over a one thousand year period. This is a result of CO2 from volcanic eruptions and forest fires started by lightning.

    However, the CO2 content has increased by that amount in the last 17 YEARS!!!!  

    And no, it's not nature. We'd need a volcano the size of Yellowstone to erupt to cause this kind of increase in CO2 levels.

    It is man made. Whether Al Gore makes a few dollars is irrelevant. His message is right and he has 2000+ scientists (climatology related scientists) to prove his point.

  4. Al Gore is an Environmentalist and generally his concern about the environment is for political gain and/or money.

    An Inconvenient Truth is a propaganda documentary and is only proof of political influence with no proven scientific evidence.

    Anyone who really cares about the environment and nature are generally known as conservationists.

    Great to see someone actually researching objectively.

    I have found that Climate Change is a more appropriate name.

    We are only in Global Warming during the Warming cycle, then we enter the Global Cooling scare during the Cooling cycle etc...etc....

    There is an article that supports your thoughts on the solar effects. There is also a very good story on volcanos on the ocean floor.

    The climate change is earths natural warming and cooling cycles. We came out of a cooling cycle a couple hundred years ago. We will be starting a cooling cycle sometime in the future. THESE CHANGES ARE NOT DRASTIC by the way.

    These are some new headlines currently in the news:

    Russian Scientist says A Cold Spell is coming. R.A.N.S. shows that a fairly cold spell will set in quite soon, by 2012, but real cold will come when solar activity reaches its minimum, by 2041, and will last for 50-60 years or longer.

    Researchers from the Oregon State University (OSU) Hatfield Marine Science Center are hoping to learn more about how the sea floor volcanoes and earthquakes contribute to the breakup of ice in the Antarctic region.

    Global Warming Impact on Hurricanes might be Less than Earlier Thought a new study suggests says NOAA.

    If scientists can't even agree on what has happened in the past, imagine how much more difficult it is to figure out the future.

    It amazes me that so many people still believe that we are the cause of the Earth's climate changing (How arrogant of them).

    Economically we are wasting our resources trying to convince the world that a natural warming cycle is caused by man.

    Just relax and accept that we need to conserve energy and protect the environment. Leave the rest to God.

  5. He believes, and gives ample evidence to suggest, that global warming is the result of human behavior.  He acknowledges that it is also cyclical, and this current cycle is must more exaggerated and rapid than any other previous cycle through Oxygen isotope dating over hundreds of thousands of years, as well as other tests.  That is not to say we are at a "warm" peak, but that our increase in all measures is happening quicker, and the average change in temperature is happening significantly more rapid than at any other time.

  6. His opinion is pro AGW and it is making him a fortune. The carbon credit tax scheme has been very very good to Algore. Time for him to buy a bigger jet, limo, and more "green"mansions.

  7. That it's real, mostly caused by us, a serious problem, and capable of being solved by us.

    Those four points have been scientifically proven.  A famous British law case affirmed that.

    " Stuart Dimmock Claimant - and - Secretary of State for Education and Skills"

    But it's not important what Al Gore says, the data is what counts.

    "I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

    Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

    Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut

    By the way, Al Gore is a very rich man, who could make tons more money serving on Corporate boards and giving speeches.  To say he's in this for the money is ridiculous.  It would be like a doctor moonlighting at McDonalds.

  8. He thinks it's caused by humans. (It's not)

  9. it is both. the greenhouse effect is a natural occurance but humans are making it happen much faster than it is supposed to go. watch An Inconvenient Truth.. it's al gore's film about global warming. there are many facts proving humans DO effect it and that is can cause many many bad things. global warming is good because it keeps our planet liveable, but too much is bad bad bad

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