
What is America? How is America different from South America, or Central America?

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If Mexico and Canada are in North America, how are they not American? What is Mexican or Canadian national identity?

How do we define who we are? Who is an American? Who is a Yankee? Who is a Southerner or a Westerner or a Midwesterner?

What is the difference between one from the Heartland and one from the Urban North America?

How does an American or Canadian or Mexican participate in the global village or the New World Order? What is the New World Order? Does this have anything to do with the Islamic fundamentalist movements or the global anarchist movements?




  1. You will get a different answer depending on who you ask. For a US resident, Americans are the citizens of the US. For them, the rest of the American continent is "the Americas".

    Also, for them, Canada is part of North America but some of them will argue that Mexico is not. A Yankee is somebody from the Northeast of the U.S. (New York, etc.) and that name is a left over from the Civil War,  a Southerner somebody from the South of the US, like Georgia (in the old days any state from the Confederate states, again the Civil war) and the Midwest is the big area between the Mississippi and the Rocky mountains, including states like Kansas, Missouri, etc.  The West coast would be California, etc.

    The people from the Midwest are also called from the Heartland (typical more conservative people when compared to somebody from the east or west coast.

    If you ask almost anybody else in the Americas, they will say that America is the complete continent formed by South America (South of Panama), Central America (South from Mexico) and North America (Canada, U.S. and Mexico)

    Now, going to the last part of your question, Mexico, U.S. and Canada form part of the NAFTA which is similar to the EU in Europe. South American countries have something similar called Mercosur formed by Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and a few others. Essentially the aim is to have within those groups sort of a free commerce region, although in practice is far from that.

  2. America is anybody born in the American continent. Like if I am born in Brasil or Mexico, I am American cause  I wasn't born in Asia nor Africa see?

    Some people refer "American" to someone born in the US but this is wrong because American is someone born in the American CONTINENT.

  3. geographic location,anything south of the United States is considered to be in Central America, that includes Mexico anything south of Panama is South America

  4. they are american just not American :D

    perhaps one day they willbe.... kinda like the EU.... but then we would have to learn french... and that would be terrible.. spanish is okay its easy right....

    anywho theres a diferance betrean the country of the united states of america and the continents of the americas

  5. America is a continent, divided in three sub-continents: North America, Central America, and South America.

    That's why Latin Americans don't like it when the people in the US call this country "America". It should be called The United States -if you want to add "of America" is fine- but people in the other countries of America, feel the US stole their name.


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