
What is Anthropology??

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Yeah... i've been wondering what this was after i watched

"the Nanny Diaries"... Anyone know?




  1. cultural anthropologists study groups by living amongst them but this particular fieldwork is dying out.  Physical anthropologists study the history of humankind.  From tetrapods to the bipedal wormlike things we are today.  Their are many subdivisions of anthropology including paleantology and forensic anthropology.

  2. Anthropology is the study of humanity. Anthropology has origins in the natural sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences.[1][2] The term was first used by François Péron when discussing his encounters with Tasmanian Aborigines.[3] Ethnography is both one of its primary methods, and the text that is written as a result of the practice of anthropology and its elements.

    Have a nice day mate!

  3. the study of man and his journey from Africa

  4. my major!

    ha ha, it's already been well defined by everyone above...especially marc ladewig (seems to understand how much fun studying people really is)


  5. I haven't seen the movie but by reading a summary I think that she wants to be an anthropologist.  Instead she ends up employed by a wealthy family. Anthropolgist go into groups and study that group by living among them. In essence, this is what she does when she lives among the wealthy.

  6. It is the study of mankind

  7. Essentially Anthropology is the study of humans. It incorporates four basic sub-fields.

    1) cultural or social anthropology which is mostly concerned with the student of recent and contemporary cultures. Contrary to popular belief, cultural anthropologists do not simply live in some remote place watching the natives. It's more like sociology actually.

    2) archeology, which is the study of material remains. Anthropologists seem to prefer pre-historical archeology, but studies in urban archeology are also considered the work of an anthropologist.

    3) linguistics studies languages

    4) biological or physical anthropology involves the biological study of humans, diversity, evolution, our ancestors and primates

    There are other sub-disciplines of anthropology such as medical anthropology which encompass more than one subfield. All sub-fields of Anthropology are tied together by culture. In a sense, Anthropology is the study of human cultures.

  8. Anthropology is a very wide discussion...

    But actually, studying Anthropology would be fun. Because you'll do a lot of research.. But the best thing is that of the Participant observation. In this type of activity, you'll observe a specific culture through joining that specific group of people. You'll do everything they do, think what they think, etc. It's fun right?...

  9. like everything important

    in our language

    the word origin is greek

    anthro being man

    logy being study of

    more precisely

    it is the study of man

    as a cultural creature

    culture being

    learned behavior

    as opposed to instinct

    instinct being

    knowledge humans

    are born with

    like autonomic responses

    such as breathing

    i love my old major

    but it is irritating

    to define

    for one must

    be continually defining

    one's terms

    that one uses

    in one's definitions

    and if one have to use one

    one more time

    one might go

    out of one's mind
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