
What is Anti-mass?

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I was reading someone else's question about anti-matter and i remembered hearing about anti-MASS. what is it?




  1. Someone who hates going to church. An Atheist.

  2. i guess antimass would be the opposite of mass. so it would be negative mass. this doesnt exist, so theres no real point in actually defining it.

  3. Anti-mass is a hypothetical property of exotic particles which have never been observed. If anti-mass exists, it is a mess of paradoxes. If you hit an anti-mass ball with a normal mass bat, the bat will push the ball causing it to go faster toward the bat, and the ball will attract the bat making it accelerate towards the ball. So anti-mass can't exist without violating every law of physics; still, it might have some theoretical application in quantum mechanics.

  4. Anti-mass is the opposite of the magnitude of weight. This clearly has no definition. Anti-matter is the opposite of matter.

  5. Try this Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, article it deals with theories of negative mass.

  6. anti mass probably refers to somethin that is against a large or enourmous group of things or people.anti mass attacks in jallianwalah bagh massarce in india durin the britisj rule
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