
What is Area 51, its about aliens and its top secret or something?

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Its about aliens and its top secret or something??




  1. It's a high-security government base. There are rumors of aliens there, but it's probably a top-secret technology testing facility.

  2. Advanced auronautical craft is the mission of the facility, from the Blackbird of the 60's, to the captured MIGs and Stealth craft of the 70s and 80s. Current activity involves unmanned craft....sorry no alien reverse engineering....(btw, they don't call it Area 51, that's a Hollywood designation).

  3. Aliens?

    You understand the closest solar system is thousands of light years away. It would take thousands of years at the speed of light for them to get here. With that kind of technology to bend space and time, a hole in existance, it's a joke to think that aliens would fly around like tourists around here like they're trying to study use when they conquered both time and space. Yeah right they have alien bodies, aliens just croked and died and we picked them up. Wow, thousands of light years and they couldn't make anything better than seat belts when they crashed that's believable.

    When exactly did you stop watching cartoons and started learning about earth and space and life and all that.

    That's not to say there's not life out there, it just means if they were that smart they wouldn't give a d**n about us because it would only take them a second to know everything about us. The only aliens that would care about doing anything with us would be like the ones on Aliens vs. Predator, as food, then they would care about us. But those are like animals and could never end up here by themselves.

  4. IF there ever was anything "out of this world" located there, it's certainly not there anymore.  Bush officially acknowledged its existence, and with the development of such programs as Google Earth, it's no longer an uber top-secret military installation.

    Of course, if there never was anything there, then it was the bases remote location and official denial of existence that contributed to its legend.

    I do know that they, at least in part, developed the B-2 bomber there, which is a stealth plane (it's black, and looks like a flying boomerang.)

  5. I live in Nevada And they don't tell you a thing. I do know that people that work there are wierd. (Non Soliders) And I think they have the workers houses bugged they couldn't say a thing.  

  6. It is no more than a test facility, for new weapon systems, i.e. planes and bomb delivery systems, there are NO aliens, why would any creature come here, after using the technology of space flight, to try to find out our secrets ?.

    Lets be honest, the question many of us ask, when we look at the sky, at night is....

         " Are there any intelligent creatures out there ?"

    When what we need to concentrate on, is the question.....

        "What if there is no one out there, ???"

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