
What is BAH/Family Separation?

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I was told I could get this while I'm in basic....what exactly is it and how does it work...?




  1. your housing allowance and yes you will get this for your family.

    Family will get this if you are gone longer than 30 consecutive days or longer.  If it is are out of luck...but as long as it is over 30 days you will get it.  

    EDIT::  As stated above the person said you would not get it...YES you will.  My hubby got it while he was in BNCOC and DS School.  He won't get it while he is in ANCOC however because his school is at the same place that we live so he is home.  Make sure they file the paperwork for it.  You have to stay on them for this kind of stuff.

  2. BAH:  Basic Housing Allowance to be used for providing a place for your family while in Training..  * I was just giving a brief summary on this as the question concerned while the Soldier was in BCT *

    Fam Sep:  Family Separation Allowance (FSA) is payable only to members with dependents. Basically, family separation allowance is payable when a military member is forced to be away from his/her dependents for longer than 30 days, due to military orders.

    The best thing to do is look at the Link provided, OR go to your Finance Office...

  3. BAH - Housing Allowance.  If you are married then you will qualify for this.  While in schooling or on unaccompanied orders, the BAH rate will be based on your spouse's zip code.  So while you are in Boot/Basic/BCT it will be based on where your wife/husband is living at the time.  Now if they move during this time to a place that has a higher Cost of Living it will be all out of your own pocket and the BAH rate will not change.  The BAH rates are set for each zip code and rank/rate.  E4 and below get the same amount for the zip code in question.  When you get accompanied orders then the BAH rate is based on the zip code of the command you stationed with.   There is BAH w/dependents and BAH w/o dependents. In order to qualify for it when you first enlist/commission you must be married, if you are not then you will not qualify for it at all.  You may qualify for BAH-diff if you have children but are not married.  It doesn't matter how many dependents (spouse, children) you have it is the same amount if you have 1 or 20.

    Family Separation is $250 per month when you are gone over 30 days due to Basic/Boot/BCT, TDY, TAD, deployment or unaccompanied orders.  In order to qualify you must be gone longer than 30 days.  During Basic/Boot/BCT this is the only time it will be paid out automatically if you are married.  

  4. Basic Allowance for housing is an allowance meant to help defray the costs of housing dependents.  Family separation Allowance begins as of day 31 of being away from your dependents' authorized location.  

    Bostonian is incorrect on BOTH counts.  FSA and BAH ARE payable in Basic training/ Boot camp.   and have been for several years now.  and ANY orders lasting longer than 30 days qualifies for FSA when the Servicemember has authorized dependents.  it no longer has to be arduous duty.

  5. BAH is Basic Allowance for Housing.  It is paid if you are authorized to live off the installation, not just while in training status as another poster claims.  In some cases it can be paid if you are in the barracks, such as if you have dependents who do not live in the local area with you.

    Family Separation Allowance is payable when you are assigned away from your family under "arduous" conditions where dependents are prohibited.  Merely being posted away from your family does NOT make you eligible for it as another poster seems to claim.  If you were on an unaccompanied tour at RAF Mildenhall in the UK you would not collect it.  However if you were on a remote tour at Kunsan AB, Korea you would.

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