
What is BRS? i want the detail abt this?

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What is BRS? i want the detail abt this?




  1. BRS is Bank Reconciliation is a report that balances the bank pass book and the bank statement at the end of the month.

  2. Bus Rapid Transit System makes travelling on Delhi roads accessible for all

    Delhi Integrated Multi Modal Transit System (DIMTS) is ensuring that the BRT corridor is accessible to every Delhi citizen.

    The BRT corridor spread on a stretch of 5.6 km in phase I (starting point Ambedkar Nagar and ending point Moolchand) has incorporated many features which make it accessible for all.

    Features that make the corridor accessible for persons with reduced mobility and disabilities:

    Accessible Pedestrian Island – curb ramps and tactile floor tiles provided for pedestrian access:

    Engineering configuration of Floor Tactile Tiles – good combination of ‘guiding path and warning strip’ to orient pedestrians with vision impairment / low vision in open areas

    Boundary wall is well designed and can be used as seating area by pedestrians with reduced mobility

    Hawker zone – good resting spaces

    Street furniture is very well aligned and consistency in placement of Lighting poles, road signages and other amenities

    Tactile files and Braille signages have been provided.

    Levelled areas provide easy access for person using mobility aids (Wheelchair users; walkers; baby prams etc.)

    Good demarcation of auto rickshaw bay

    Well planned segregated lanes for road vehicles, cycle path and pedestrian route

    Signages and route numbers in Braille

    Gentle ramps (1:20 ratio) with handrails and landing has been provided

    Level parking and close parking by buses

    Transit ramps

    Minimum walkway of 2 metres

    Passenger information systems to aid visually impaired and persons with hearing disabilities

    Color contrast approach to bus shelters and buses

    Wheelchair clasping inside the buses

    Audio announcements and visual display of information inside the buses

  3. Ther4e can be many full names for BRS. One of which is Ballastic Recovery System.

    Please check the following link for details:

    Another full form of BRS is Bureau of Rehabilitation System.

    Please check the following link for details:


  4. BRS----stands for bank rconcillation report

    BRS----Bus  rapid  transit  system

    which    one you want

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