
What is Bahrain famous for?

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What is Bahrain famous for?




  1. Mr B has definately been there. Bahrain was the banking and corporate center of the Gulf Region, but United Arab Emirates has taken over that role. The ruling family is Sunni, but a lot of the people in the villages are Shia (like Iran). There is a lot of internal riots. There is a fairly large expat community of Filipino, British, Sri Lankans, Pakistanis, and Americans (almost all military. It is the base for the fleet).

      Since they built the causeway over from Saudi Arabia a lot of Saudi men come over for the weekend to drink. Alchohol is never available in Saudi. In Bahrain a bar must be attached to a hotel, or you can drink in a restaurant. There is no drinking during Ramadan.

       It is a very different culture than United Arab Emirates. Nearly everyone in the UAE has been to Europe or America.


    It is probably most famous for being the most likely site for the "Garden of Eden". They even have a tree they call the "Tree of Life" which is a nasty place swarming with bees.

  2. The ancient civilisation of Dilmon, possible site of the Garden of Eden. Oil, banking, warm hospitality, great food. A prime example of the British getting it wrong when granting independence. Fresh water springs, dessert oasis. Portugese fort. Ancient temples. Burial mounds dating back 4000 years. Women's rights, women's equality. A place for Saudis to drink at weekends.

  3. Pearls

  4. Try google for all the information.

  5. The Grand Prix!!!!! And dhows!!

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