
What is Barack Obama's Religion and what church does he now go to every Sunday?

by Guest65138  |  earlier

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Christian, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...




  1.   He's a Christian. You already asked this question! Twice. At least.

  2. He's a Christian. And I'd say that the last little while, if he's been able to go to church, it's been a different one every week. Presidential candidates tend to move around a lot.

    Edit: Actual question?  hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

  3. He is Christian and has always been so.  He attended a Catholic school in Indonesia and very briefly another school before returning to Hawaii to start the 4th grade.  He lived there and attended a secular private school until he left for college when he was 18.  I believe he joined the Church of Christ in Chicago when he got married.  He may not go regularly right now due to the campaign, but they will find a new church after November 4, no matter the outcome.  

    EDIT:  Hello people--I drive by the school he attended every day (Honolulu), and there are classmates from all the years he attended Punahou still around.  He never attended a madrassa, although he did attend a secular Indonesian school (perhaps you wouldn't remember that Indonesia was fairly securly at that point and the largest problem was with communists).  His half-sister Maya is also a Christian, as were his grandparents (gm is still living).

  4. And why do you ask?? I thought America stands for freedom of worship??  So this matters.. why?? And YES Christian if that matters to you..

  5. His religion is dominance and showing whitey who the real boss will beeizbuz.

  6. Senator Obama is Christian. It's my understanding that Senator Obama attends different churches while on the road campaigning. He and his wife are no longer members of the United Trinity Church and are seeking out a new church to become affiliated with.

    Here are two links for two separate weeks that I found.

    Senator McCain attends North Baptist Church, his wife's church, when he is in Arizona. He was raised Episcopalian.

    This is information on Mrs. Palin's Churches.

    Senator Biden attends the Catholic Church.

  7. Does it matter? God's not real. You sound like a typical Fox news masturbator (Bill O Reily is your fav huh?) Keep spreading your propaganda and the rest of us will keep living in reality. People like you are why America is in the condition it's in. Let me guess, You own what 40 handguns for "Protection from minorities." You attend your KKK meetings regularly and you are convinced the media is run by Jews. Seriously how can you look at yourself in the mirror each day? It must be painful to be you. Look the kids in your highschool made fun of you because that's what kids do. Yes it sucks but you just gotta move beyond that stuff.

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