I understand he is for a total change, but what is his plan to make it happen, HOW will it happen? What Exactly is inside his Changes compared to currently, and how does it differ from Hilllary's changes that are very achievable. maybe someone can have Mr. Obama Tell us when he is on TV or in public, exaclty where he is going to lead us and How? If he can not do this, he will lose most of the remaining states, as hillary is gaining strength is Factual answers in all catigories, that are understandable and achievable. So Obama Speak up now, I want to know the answers to your promisses of Change? Explain it to us now , not later! Independantly listening.
I have hillarys Answers from seeing her, but barack did not come to my area of my state!! Waiting for the Answers, to War, and How, and the Economy and how!, and health care and HOW! etc.!!!