
What is Barrack Obama's Political Platform?

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What is Barrack Obama's Political Platform?




  1. Abstinence only, Earmarks, lobbying politicians, supporting the bridge to nowhere- then opposing it, Bombing Iran, Beating women, leaving his wife for a prettier richer lady

  2. The same as his party's predecessor Bill Clinton

  3. His campaign slogan says it all.  

    "Soon the world will be mine.....All MINE!!!!   Bwhaaaa haaaa haaa haa!!!"

  4. he will cut taxes for Americans making under 250K and remove income tax from retirees making less than 50K. He will implement new alternate energy ideas that will create new jobs and wean us off of our dependency for foreign oil. He will restore our reputation in the world. He will end this war, that is costing this country billions of dollars a month, responsibly, bring home our veterans and make sure they get proper benefits. He will provide free health care for children and the elderly. He will promote scientific research that will help same millions. He will give subsidies to companies that keep jobs in America. He will reduce the national debt. He will use diplomacy and only go to war as a LAST resort. He also believes in women and g*y rights.

    McCain, on the other hand plans on cutting taxes too...for the rich. He will continue this expensive and unjust war that was based on lies and false intelligence and possibly extend it to Iran. He will continue Bush's failed policies that have led from a healthy economy when Bush took office to what it is now. He will place into the Supreme Court new justices that will try to reverse Roe vs. Wade, which would be unconstitutional. He will promote Republican economic policies that have led to a shrinking of the middle class and increasing income inequality. He will privatize social security and healthcare, risking the retirement of our countries seniors and making the Pharmaceutical companies even richer than they are. He will continue to give subsidies to companies that transfer American jobs overseas. Furthermore, he has anger management problems (which he takes medication for) and is emotionally unstable. We cannot trust him to act with diplomacy when dealing with other countries.

    Furthermore, Obama had the wisdom to choose a running mate that could stand alone as president if need be. McCain's choice, on the other hand shows that he is more interested in catering to religious extremists than in doing what is best for America.

  5. All things Marxist.

    He has been a Marxist since he was a teen and has never stopped believing it is the way.

    Obama was an active, registered member of both th4e Communist and Socialist parties when he was a resident of Hawaii and Illinois.

    The church Obama associated with for over 20 years is a self-acclaimed bastion of Black Liberation Theology (BLT).  (See link below)

    BLT is simply Marxism dressed up to *look* like Christianity.  They take a few passages from the bible and twist them to their own political agenda and they study those few passages.  BLT is an offshoot of Liberation Theology, which was created about 50 years ago in South America.  It was Che Guevara’s (a Marxist leader) way of mobilizing the Christian society to his movement.

    Che Guevara and Luis Farrakhan (also a Marxist) are heroes of Barack Obama’s.  Obama had a flag of Che Guevara up in his campaign office and Obama was instrumental in having Luis Farrakhan be given the highest honor his church would ever bestow upon an individual.  This happened just last year.

    About Marxism.  I suggest you look it up.  It looks good on paper.  The main tenet goes something like this, "from each according to their ability and to each according to their need."  

    The thing is, when goods and services are handed out to people, those who have the most ability no longer rise to produce their best.  And those who have little ability decide not to contribute at all!  Communist societies continue to fail.  

    Look up Marxism. Che Guevara, and Luis Farrakhan and see if you want someone who is their true-believer to be your leader.


  6. tax those with jobs, give to those without jobs

  7. why don't u go to his website.

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