
What is Beauty?

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What is Beauty?




  1. a word that has lots of definitions depending on what you are talking about, but which are all positive adjectives.

  2. Truth is beauty.

  3. That which takes your breath away, and which causes you to forget yourself for a moment, to be drawn into a thing without any ability to judge it otherwise. This is beauty to me.

  4. Beauty is a thing perceived as extremely pleasing or an outstanding example of its kind.

    Beauty is a matter of opinion or perception and  can be perceived by each of the senses in it's various forms. But mostly it is fleeting and of little permanent value in any of its material forms.

    The only beauty of value is Truth!

  5. I cant upload my picture now but you will be ashamed

  6. the great painter.  ehemm.  lol michaelangelo was once quoted as saying "beauty is truth, and truth beauty, that is all ye know in life, and all ye need to know"

  7. I am  and if you want to kiss Id be abliged

  8. Anything that makes you smile.

  9. simply me!!!!!!!!!!

  10. The quality that gives pleasure to the mind or senses and is associated with such properties as harmony of form or color, excellence of artistry, truthfulness, and originality.

  11. Beauty is an opinion, not a fact.

  12. Whatever you want it to be.

  13. Beauty is an attraction by an eye.

  14. Beauty is really when you feel beauitful inside. Beauty is what captivates you. It doesn't have to be pretty to others, but to you.

  15. whatever just makes someone stop and stare.

  16. make up;;;personality;;fashion;;intimacy

  17. What is beauty? Nothing! the obsession of manufacturers and retailers to sell more c**p that does nothing to improve the looks of the buyers standing in line to spend another 255 billion dollars this year on fading dreams

  18. my parents always said that beauty was defined by someone not only by there look by how they treated you and cared for and about you. How they responded to your needs and gave of themselves freely with out any strings and had no expectations.

  19. I can tell you what it's not! It's not what society and media have mutated it into. They say beauty is on the outside, when infact it is on the inside.

  20. beauty is as beauty does.

    Basically, beauty is whatever makes you want to stop and look at the object some more, and can be different for everybody.

  21. beauty is not a visual thing it is on the inside and no matter what people say as long as you love yourself you beautiful

  22. A quality that lies in the eyes of the beholder
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