
What is Beefalo exactly?

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Is it genetically engineered or is it organic? Interbreed species? It doesnt seem right to me.. So I am a little bit confused.




  1. And your above respondent is correct up to a point... what happens most of the time is that the offspring inherits the WORST traits of both, so the match is a poor one.  If it were a successful cross, with the offspring more hardy, stronger, long lived and the rest of it, you wouldn't still see herds of Herfords, Angus etc in most rancher's feed lots... they would all be beefalos.  they aren't, they are just better crosses of Angus and Herford.

    In big cattle operations, the females are artificially inseminated.... particularly with dairy cows.  Smaller ranchers will have a small herd of cows, with one bull, and sell the calves either very young, or at age 1 or so, into a feed lot for fattening.  This is particularly true of Herfords.  Angus bulls are truly just nasty as h**l, and few smaller ranch owners like to deal with them.  However, they pack on weight faster with less food... so... everything has pluses and minuses

  2. 'Beefalo' are a fertile hybrid offspring of domestic cattle, Bos taurus, and the American Bison, Bison bison (generally called buffalo). The breed was created to combine the best characteristics of both animals with a view towards beef production.

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