
What is Bi Polar Dis order?

by Guest63600  |  earlier

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What is Bi Polar Dis order?




  1. lol.

    I think you mean "Bipolar Disorder."

    It's kind of like, one minute you're really happy and the next minute your furious about something.

  2. theres alot of hooplah but straight to the point its just really really EXTREME highs and lows one minute youll be happy on cloud nine then youll be really depressed for no reason  

  3. High highs and low lows that usually last at least two weeks each.

  4. its really just really bad mood swings.

  5. It's important to distinguish between the three elements of this condition:

        * Depressive symptoms

        * Manic symptoms

        * The cycle of these moods

    The symptoms of depression include low mood, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, a sense of pessimism, hopelessness, reduced sexual drive, loss of interest or pleasure in life, reduced ability to concentrate and recurrent thoughts of death and suicide.

    People in mania are often described as being like a tornado. They experience elevated moods or euphoria, increased activity, pressured fast speech, self-important ideas or grandiose delusions, hallucinations, reduced sleep, increased appetite for food and s*x, overspending on a wild scale and all-night excesses.

    In a more severe form of mania, the person becomes psychotic, with delusions (false personal beliefs that are not subject to reason or contradictory evidence, and are not explained by a person's cultural concepts). There's a complete mismatch of perception and reality and there may be delusional beliefs about being persecuted, and hallucinations.

    In the worst cases, people in mania become unintelligible and neglect themselves.

    The order and frequency with which these sets of symptoms appear can vary. Some people have quite regular cycles, in which symptoms of mania are followed by symptoms of depression in a largely predictable pattern. These swings in mood can occur over a period of anything from days to months.

    Other people have mixed symptoms - it's possible for a person to have many of the symptoms of mania and also suffer from severely depressive thoughts, especially if the person experiencing the mania has insight into what's happening to them.  

  6. Bipolar is a type of depression. Usually sufferers experience oerwhelming joys then snap into dark lows. from really happy to crying within a minute. This is totally treatable but if you think that you have it, i would go and see your doc for a diagnosis.

    Hope it helps :)

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