
What is Blu-ray?

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What is the difference between blu-ray and normal dvds?

Can i play blu-ray on my normal dvd players?




  1. Blue ray is totally different than DVD.

    Blue ray disks which are called as HD-DVDs (High Definition Digital Video Disks) Has more capacity than Normal DVDs

    A normal DVD can handle sth about 4.5 GB. Two layers will take sth about 8.5 GB.

    While a Normal HD-DVD can handle 25 GB. And two layers will take 50 GB

    Normal or two-layer HD-DVD can't be played on DVD players

    And you should have a HD-DVD player.

    And when you got the HD-DVD player you should have a HD TV.

    If not the quality is going to be so low and unable to watch.

    For more info click on this link: (It's wiki)

  2. Blu ray is a high definition dvd that has a much better picture and sound then a standard dvd.  You need to have a blu ray player to play them, a regular dvd player wont work.  If you do buy a blu ray player it will play regular dvds however.  Also, to make sure you are fully benefiting from the player you want to make sure your tv is capable of displaying 1080p resolution.  If its not a new tv then it wont.  If its a newer tv that can display 1080i then the picture will still look better then a regular dvd but its not the best it can be.

  3. There are two high-definition DVD formats:

    1. Blu-Ray

    2. HD-DVD

    Both use the same basic technology -- a blue laser. Because a blue laser has shorter wavelengths than a red laser, more information can be crammed onto the DVD's surface.

    Both formats will play a standard DVD or CD. However, the two formats are not compatible with each other. That is, an HD-DVD will not play in a Blu-Ray player, and vice versa.

    Many movie studios are releasing their films in both formats, but there are more studios supporting Blu-Ray exclusively than supporting HD-DVD exclusively. At the moment, Blu-Ray appears to be winning (and some would argue already has won) the format war.

    Both formats are utterly useless with anything other than HDTV sets because the benefits of their substantially increased resolutions can't be seen on traditional TVs.

  4. It is a type of DVD is supposed to be a better viewing quality but with that is a bigger price tag......

  5. no...blu-ray uses a narrower laser to read info from blu-ray blu-ray disks are not compatible with normal dvd players

    NOTE: HD-DVD is not the same as Blu-ray

  6. Blu-ray is the next generation storage media designed by Sony. It uses a blue laser instead of a red one, which means that it can store more information on a single disc. Regular DVDs hold 8 gigabytes of information on a dual layer disc, Blu-ray discs hold  about 50 on two layers. This enables movie studios to sell videos that are in HD (high definition). All of the movies on blu-ray are in 1080P (1080 progressive scan lines of pixels), whereas dvds are in 480P (480 progressive scan lines).

    Blu-ray discs can NOT be played in a regular dvd player! If you are looking for a blu ray player, toshiba (not recommended, they have many issues with their players) sells players, and the Playstation 3 also has built-in blu-ray support. There are other manufacturers thata make blu-ray players, and you can find them at stores like Best Buy and Circuit City. The prices range from 300 to 600 dollars.

    Also, please note that HD-DVD and blu-ray are NOT THE SAME! An HD-DVD will not work in a Blu-ray player.
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