
What is Bravery? How i can increase Bravery? i am Coward

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coward die many times before the actual death

julius ceaser

i am coward,how i can increase bravery inside me,so i can fight when some one insult me or say wrong to me,i cant able to reply that person and think about that person day and night




  1. I prefer to learn about bravery outside a context of war, and conflict.  You see true bravery from people coping with extreme circumstances, fear, threat, trials and tribulations on a daily basis.  People who show remarkable courage but continue with life regardless.  I would like to think that if I face something like that I would respond in such a way, but also hope never have to find out just how brave I could be.

  2. Pongpresario is on the right track.  Bravery is a mindset/frame of mind. It has to do with determination and finding purpose in what you are doing as well as feeling you have the right to do/experience something. If your situation has to do with having the strength to say something to someone, first know what you're going to say to the person and be aware of not just you say it but how the words will be received.  Know that you have every right to express yourself and to have the feelings your feel, the thoughts you think.  Once you feel sure and secure, bravery will follow shortly in the actual doing. The other side of this is knowing when to walk away. State what you need to state in a non- threatening manner, non-accusing manner and just call it quits. There doesn't need to be a fight.  Feel free to email me if you want more help in this matter.  

  3. i think bravery is achieved when one does things they fear. eventually, from doing this you cease to fear the thing. but it only works for one thing, like you can't go often in high places, to help with your fear of public speaking. only for fear of heights. so do what you fear. it just takes the determination. like the fear of skydiving, you need only to take that step. you need to decide to do it. and then just do it.

    i guess another way to look at it is that bravery is when your desire and your determination exceeds your fear.

  4. relax and take a deep breath. i think bravery is a matter of mind. not being afraid of surroundings or persons. being a coward is being afraid of surroundings or persons always stand strong..

  5. At first, pretend.

    No one will be able to tell the difference.

    Soon, neither will you.

    Good luck.

    Alternatively, take up Tae Kwon Do and punch their lights out.

  6. I totally disagree w/ chilis.  Bravery is a quality summoned for the moment, just as cowardice is a reaction to a moment; they can only be seen in retrospect, unlike 'growth' or 'sense of humor' . Bravery does not include hitting someone, that is cowardice.

    Bravery and cowardice exist in all of us.  As Ghandi might have said -  bravery involves defeats that have never been fought.

  7. From what I recall, one of those clever Greek philosophers explained bravery /courage wasn't the top/extreme of some marble column.

    It's better thought about as the mid-point of a see-saw - where you can either rise or fall.

    I'm sure he was correct - and that we can't increase courage by trying to climb a slippery pole.

    True courage stems from the ability to face up to our own fears.

    Useful hints - don't so easily dismiss yourself as a coward or brood on insulting behaviour of bully-boys.  Many who insult/dominate are the real cowards - choosing easy targets. Don't feel you need to 'stand up to them' or reply - if words don't come easily to you. Best thing to do is just smile at them - as if their insults have made no impression on you.

    A smile is a mighty weapon - against those who seek to boss or bully others.  And don't think about their antics "day and night" - you can rest assured they won't be thinking about you, so why should you bother yourself thinking about them ?

  8. Try showing your inner brilliance in the face of danger... Although If your out numbered then the odds are against you my friend, that's just bullying & they are the cowards, not you.

  9. Being brave is about knowing who you are and being glad with that. Get to know yourself, find out what you really like and what you don't. Spend time alone, read books about inspirational people.  

  10. There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity. If you get away with it, you are brave. If you don't, you are stupid." - Francisco T. Escario

    Definitions of bravery on the Web:

    courage: a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear

    fearlessness: feeling no fear

    Courage, also known as bravery, will and fortitude, is the ability to confront fear, pain, risk/danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. ...

    Being brave, courageousness; A brave act

    (Isa. 3:18), an old English word meaning comeliness or beauty.

    a person who was formerly part of the armed forces, esp. during a war.

    Dogras are brave and couragious people, having defended India against numerous attacks from marauding Muslim invaders from West Asia. They have made supreme sacrifices for the preseravation of Territorial Integrity of India. ...

  11. I would like to advise you to be more self-confident and not to care about what the others say to you. You should do what you like to do, no matter if they don't like it.You are the most important person to you. And don't be afraid to fight. Show them that you aren't afraid and stand up strong for your rights. Don't let anyone threaten you and don't be quiet just speak what you like.

  12. Hello,

    (ANS) I would suggest that what your actually talking about is quite a complex matter, its NOT a simple subject by any means.

    Bravery = fearless-ness

    Cowardice = "To cower" means to be submissive or fearful

    **You are NOT a coward per say, cowardice is a form of behavior in a specific set of circumstances.

    **The problem your talking about is a complex combination of self confidence, assertiveness, & fearless-ness.

    **We learn how to be assertive or not as the case may be from our parents? how? assertiveness is related to how we deal with conflict in life and we learn that from how our parents model that in the family relationships (i.e. how the parents & family handle rows & conflict themselves). In other words assertiveness is modeled & learned behavior.

    ASSERTIVENESS can be improved & leaned by both going & doing an assertiveness training course, & through lots of practice of the applied techniques, readying books about assertiveness, by understanding how to be more assertive in a natural way as opposed to a forced way, by understanding the difference between being passive & submissive and being manipulative or domineering or bullying, in other words assertiveness is the middle path & its LOTS to do with clear communication, its also lots to do with self respect. & Self love !! Yes! self love.

    **You are NOT a coward you may just lack the inner knowing-ness as to how to deal with someone who is threatening or bullying. You need to know how to stand up for yourself, you may have missed out on that piece of emotional learning earlier on in life? And that's NOT your fault.

    **When we are threatened or in emotional conflict our brains don't work as they normally do which might explain why its so hard for you to find the right words to reply in that moment. How can you reply when your mind has shut down in that situation, going blank in such a situation is extremely common. We always think about what we should have said after the event when our minds are working properly once again.

    Kind Regards to you from Ivan.

  13. He who has your fear holds your gears.

    Your succumbing to their taunts. Don't let them because thats what they want.

  14. keep saying "so what?" will double your bravary for sure..

    If you scare of confrontation..just think they are just what?

    the most fear of people is to die to be disable in someway.

    Is your situation will lead you to those? if not...SO WHAT?

  15. So courageous of you already, to ask this brave question! I know I would not have.

    Sometime, we feel all too afraid of becoming a coward, and more so to know as one; then sometimes, it is fear, that we do not like for its cumbersome feel in the heart. Then the fear itself could what we might find ourselves to be most afraid of. However, this is right. It is natural in the mind to feel fear, as well as to like being brave; but there must reasons for both.

    The basic fact is that a person would feel brave if a person would feel right, truth give everyone courage, and therefore to be true, to others and also to yourself is the best way to be naturally brave.

    We all can acquire courage as it can be rooted in our belief about ourselves. The best of all personal beliefs are the ones that represent and safeguard our personal sense of morality. If you do something but do not feel right doing it then you are bound to lose courage, and if you are not sure as if what you did was right, then your mind is bound entertain thoughts of uncertainty and doubt, and your spirit is likely to be grounded by your anguish - to have courage therefore is to have moral courage at first.

    Then there is a matter of natural courage, an ability that we are born with. I see that certain people are more daring then others, but the ones who are not so daring might have their deficiency compensated by some ability of care or concern.

    Then there are people who are wiser than the rest. They would regard many of the daring deeds to be acts of mere foolishness. I think it is wise to be reasonably fearful at times, or to allow ourselves to be afraid, for fear can be like a safety catch that could prevents us from doing something too bad, or simply becoming careless and complacent.

    One might get one’s courage harmed if one is not careful and adequately wise, if one pitches himself or herself all too often carelessly or senselessly, only to end up unnaturally cowardly in the end.

  16. If someone SAYS something to you, it shouldn't lead to violence!  If you have to fight, you can't possibly defend your viewpoint - you should only ever fight in self-defence.  

  17. well try to say jack s,h,i,t, sutff like i am saying in fron of people you don't see at all. this will help you with your self-esteem. but i must warn you, you have to control yourself, or your will become a whacko that no one likes.

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