
What is Brazil like as a society?

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As a society, is it conservative?

Is there a lot of poverty, and are there good colleges?




  1. Brazil has a very diverse cultural composition (black, Portuguese, German, Lebanese...the list could go on) and there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor.

    I personally would not call Brazil a particularly conservative country.

  2. There is a lot of poverty in Brazil. As a society it is liberal and progressive.  There are some good colleges in Rio and Brazilia.

  3. Hey!!

    I can't agree with the others answers, when I lived in Brazil was an awesome experience. The Brazilian society is very good, they have colleges that are better than our in USA. I learned chemistry when I was 10!!!

    Brazil is a good place for living! I'm not Brazilian... I'm Croatian...

  4. Brazil has a lot of poverty like the rest of Latin America.

    Brazil would have a huge immigration problem with people from neighboring countries if it had as strong of an economy as suggested above.

  5. Brazil is very liberal society.

    There is more poverty than USA/Canada and Europe, but less than Africa, Asia and most Latin America.

    The real problem is the huge income gap.

    There are excellent colleges but they are extremely hard test to accept new students.

  6. It's less conservative than the world average but more conservative than the Western European average. In average Brazil is like the US. The difference is the US has both more atheists and religious fanatics than Brazil.

    There is a lot of poverty, but there is lot of wealthy too, poverty does not affect the ones that are wealthy... eh...

    There are good colleges, not only in Brasília and Rio de Janeiro, as someone tried to GUESS in an answer above. The 3 best colleges of Brazil are in: São Paulo, Campinas and Belo Horizonte.

  7. Hi, Kuli!

    Brazilian society is very liberal, if you thing about TV, media in general and the metropolis, but may be very conservative if in the country.

    Yes, we have a lot of poverty, but, we have a lot of richeness and a strong medium class.

    Brazil was the first place in terms of new millionaires, last year, and, some jobs for medium class pay more than US$ 10,000/month. Some, are about US$ 25,000.00/month or more. Then, we are not a poor people.

    Brazil is the 9th place in GDP (G7, Spain is the 8th and Brazil is the 9th), with an economy of more than 1 trillion dollars/year. It's not easy to get with poor persons and bad education.

    So, we have very good colleges and very bad colleges, also.

    If you are looking for engineering, for example. Some of the best universities are in Rio, and some other in São Paulo.

    UFRJ (Federal university of Rio de Janeiro) and PUC-RJ (Catholic university of Rio) are the number one and number two in computer engineering. UNICAMP (State university of São Paulo, in Campinas) is the third.

    UFRJ lead also in electric engineering (magnetic levitation train is one of the best projects of UFRJ) and naval engineering: the largest tank for test in hidropropulsion, waves and deep prospection of petroleum was projected and constructed by UFRJ engineers.

    In terms of  militar engineering, the best are IME (Army militar Institute), in Rio, and ITA (Aeronautics tech Institute) in São Paulo.

    In nuclear enginnering, UFRJ and USP.

    In Physics, UFRJ and CBPF (Brazilian Center of Physical Researches), both in Rio; UNICAMP, Campinas, São Paulo; UFC (Federal University of Ceará State) and UFRGS (Federal University of the State of Rio Grande do Sul) are the best.

    In humanities, IFCS (Social Sciences and Philosophy Institute of the UFRJ) and USP (State university of São Paulo) are the best.

    If you are looking for colleges, Estácio de Sá is some of the best in associate degree (two-three years of course) with a diploma.

    Tell us what are the field that are looking for, and some of us may  help you to find the best college or university.

    PS. About the comment below: Brazil  have a immigration problem with the neighbors.

    Immigrants from Bolivia, Paraguay, Colombia and others, came here every day looking for better conditions.

    I'm brazilian, I live here and I know what I'm telling you. I'm not a foreign that think some about a country which was never visited...

  8. always fighting

    some good collages

    very few rich because of drugs

    lots of corruption

  9. I have traveled to Brasil every summer since I was 16, and I can tell you that if you're American, there can be quite a culture shock. However, it is a beautiful country, filled with kind people. There is a lot of poverty, and violence, but you get a lot of that with every big city. I thought about moving to Brasil, but it just isn't for me. I will visit and spend a few months, but the violence in upper class places such as Copacabana and Ipanema is a little too much for me. Good luck~

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