
What is Brazil like?

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Every time it's shown on tv, it's either the beach (which looks great) or the poor/less fortunate.

I'm confused, about it all when i go to Europe or the States i have an idea what to expect, but Brazil seems either dangerous, racist or completely great.

I'm just not sure

I invite your answers




  1. We went to Natal (north East Brazil), it was great, weather was good, as we were there for 3 weeks we went to Rio for 4 days, fantastic. We has no trouble at all. But like any place in the world you have to be careful. We stayed on Copacabana beach and were walking around there at midnight without any problems. We found the people very friendly all over the country

    We are thinking of going back next year

  2. its really nice.

    and the people on the beach accually look like you see it on tv.


    im straight but i cant lie the women are hot there too

  3. do you want the truth? brazil is both things you`ve seen and much`s a country really,but really full of contrasts.

  4. SOME places can be dangerous of course but you just have to have your wits about you and except that the world in general can have really dangerous places some people would think america is too dangerous a place depending on where there from i love brazil and would love to go there and own my own house there overlooking rio and do alot of enviornmental as well as some humanitarian work there i think its amazing and have done tons of research about it but when i think of brazil i dont think of crime i just think of all the amazingly BEAUTIFUL things it beholds its like a piece of Gods little gem stone of beauty......

  5. The people are friendly in a level that you won't find anywhere else in the world. The beaches are great, the girls are gorgeous, the music is beautiful, the drinks are the best and you'll have the time of your life. Of course you should be very cautious, not walking on the street very late, or taking a cab instead of walking. Don't take precious items to the beach and don't trust a stranger. Everyone that goes to Brazil loves it.

  6. I Love Brazil. The Brazilians are extremely friendly , and I have been on long bus rides and complete strangers have insisted in paying my drinks.

    Their music is great:

    Brazil has a very rich music tradition. The Brazilian music originates from mixing the styles of European colonists with the styles of African slaves and -to a lesser degree- the styles of the Amerindians.

    Samba is the Brazilian style of music that everybody knows. It is famous throughout the world. Bossa Nova is well-known among jazz enthusiasts. Nevertheless, the Brazilian music does not get the international attention to which it is entitled. Who learns more about Brazilian music, discovers a new world of sounds, styles and rhythms varying from classical music to hiphop-like styles.

    Famous Brazilian styles of music are:


    Bossa Nova

    Capoeira music


    Música Popular Brasileira or MPB




    Food in Brazil is excellent and Cheap.

    The potions are large .

    The food is different in the various regions of Brazil>

    It a fusion of my many styles.

    The Brazilians blended ingredients and recipes from various continents long before Europeans and North-Americans spoke about fusion kitchen

    It's a mixture of European, and African and Japanese.

    In cities the kilos restaurant where the restaurants serve a buffet style food and you pay by the weight .This has replaced the American fast food places.

    In the North you have the Amazon , which is the world's greatest rainforest.

    Brazil has so many great beaches , they are too many to list.

    Also you have many cities that are protected by UNESCO, because of the beautiful historical buildings :

    Salvador, Paraty, Olinda, Sao Luis and the gold cities in Minas Gerais

    Also Brazil has the greatest football team (soccer team) in the world.

    Brazil has some of greatest Artists in the World and

    cities like Rio and Salvador are fantastic to visit and enjoy
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