
What is Britain's most corrupt local council?

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I disagree moomin I think Camden is more corrupt than Hounslow,from experience but I got the idea about Camden 2nd hand and Camden is full of it.But you could be right.




  1. can't answer that for you mate, they all have their own agenda but for sure the big boys in westminster are about as corrupt as it gets

  2. Darlington Borough Council where i am.

    Everyone will give you a different answer lol

  3. All the councils of Britain are as corrupt as each other for allowing the TETRA system to be built within every county council's jurisdictional boundaries.

    TETRA is the truncated radio communications  system used by the Police.

    In the Confidential report on TETRA to the Police of England and Wales by B.Trower(2004) the police were strongly advised not to  give in to government pressure to accept the system.

    The reason why TETRA is so dangerous to the health of those who use the system as well as those who live near the TETRA masts and base stations is because of the pulsed microwave transmissions.

    TETRA uses a frequency (17.5Hz)that is very similar to the beta brain -wave frequency of humans(16Hz).

    It has been shown to cause the brain's protective membrane to malfunction and lead to a range of functional disorders and illnesses including depression and severe mood disrders,auditory hallucinations,exacerbation and possible cause of diseases like Alzeimer's,Parkinson's, and multiple schlerosis and cancer.

    Sleep disorders and suicides are also attributable to TETRA.

    The technology that the system uses is  a continuation of microwave weapons technology as developed by the CIA and MI5 in Operation Pandora .

    Police in this country have also been using secret microwave weapons like the maser-that targets victims with microwave radiation either to send them crazy or make them move house or leave an area-it has been used extensively by Brighton and Hove Police in sussex on vagrants and travellers,for example.

    The Watson machine can detect the use of microwave weapons but its sale has been restricted by the government.

    The Health Protection Agency continues to deny that TETRA is a health hazard ,dispite mounting evidence that it is making people sick .

    An investigation is under way at the moment into the suicide cases in South wales -all the suicides have happened closer than the national average to a TETRA mast.

    It is the duty of the county councils of Britain to ensure that there is adequate evidence that masts emitting microwave radiation do not cause harm,not surprisingly there is  no evidence that proves that the TETRA  system is safe .

    Children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of pulsed microwave radiation because they have a higher SAR than adults.(SAR=Specific Absorbtion Rate)

    To date not a single county council in the country has tried to prevent the building of TETRA towers and quite often planning permission was obtained after the towers had already been built .

    According to Tim Rifat in his paper  entitled 'Microwave Mind Control' TETRA is the continuation of military technology that uses microwaves to interfere with human thoughts and moods and TETRA is part of a nationwide system of mind control as well as a communications system for the Police.There are many  towers on council estates that are are being used to keep the local population in a state of zombie-like inertia and depression.

    TETRA can also be used to make people feel agitated,restless,and furiously angry.

    The mobile phones in every day use also have very high microwave emissions and  can theoretically be used to target individuals remotely.

    The occurrence of brain tumours,mood disorders ,auditory hallucinations,depressions and even suicides can be attributed to excessive mobile phone use.


    1)only use    mobile phone for necessary calls and keep the call brief.

    2)find out if you are living near a TETRA mast or base station.

    3)write  to  your local M.P. and ask him to lobby the government for the TETRA system to be dismantled for health reasons.

    4)show your local council and your M.P. a copy of the Confidential Report on TETRA .

    5)Consider moving to an area where there is no TETRA tower if you think you might be experiencing TETRA -induced symptoms.

    6)If you live in a housing association flat or council flat on a coucil estate  or neighbourhood where there is a TETRA tower ask your housing  authority or council for relocation to an area that does not have a tower in the vicinity.

    7)Consider the possibility of stopping the pulsed microwave emissions by taking direct action.

    P.S. This might lead to trouble with the Police and prosecution for damaging equipment that is owned and run for profit by O2 Airways-but at least one could argue that it was in the best interest of THE POLICE,WHO HAVE SUSTAINED THE HIGHEST NUMBER OF CASUALTIES SO FAR IN THE TETRA WAR BEING WAGED BY THE GOVERNMENT AND O2 AGAINST THE PEOPLE     OF BRITAIN.

  4. I thought they were all corrupt

  5. democracy seems to have been suspended in nuneaton and bedworth.labour were defeated back in may but they still call the shots.our m.p is our m.p when he feels like it,all the real work is done by his designated successor (after he retires).she's unelected,by the way.with no real mandate from anyone.

    oh,incidentally,labour won't win the seat even when the unelected prime minister does call an election.they've pissed away a 26,000 majority and it's a case of when not if the tories take the seat.

    the labour group have the local press in their pockets,the new tory council leader could raise the dead and they'd still give him dogs' abuse.

    also,a local bnp councillor was removed from a youth commission board ILLEGALLY.whatever your politics the fact remains that he was given the boot thanks to the kind of move usually found in zimbabwe.

    but,we are not alone.welcome to fascist britain.your opinions are not wanted and your views are ignored.they don't represent you,you do as you're told.

    they tell you what to think.

  6. the council of what.... cultural diversity..human rights...the so called elected body ....of what... representing whom .......for whos benefit...ours....define us ..or if you can........ them....welcome to the real world.....

  7. Many answers, but I bet none of them are more corrupt than the Government itself.  It's a matter of scale and breadth of power.

  8. Not so long ago local councils were a balance between corrupt politicians and honest officers, who by and large played it straight, intent that the councillors did not prevail.

    This has changed in a world in which central government controls the purse strings and rules by diktat.

    Politicians and officers now relieve their frustrations by dreaming up ever more ridiculous ways of upsetting local taxpayers by more and more restrictions, more and more intrusion.

    They have all been corrupted.

  9. I've heard that Bradford is problematical.

  10. Hounslow

  11. Swansea City council has to be the worst but like it has been said the big boys in london are lining there pockets well look at lionel blair he sucked on the presidents k**b so much i thought he had a s*x change where is he now he has fcuked this country? left it to another robber to line his pockets as well

  12. Well, I would have said our local council, but I really believe it is Westminster now

  13. To answer this question without proof to back it up I feel could be counted as libel.

  14. don't know but check out this video

  15. Essex county council!

  16. Castle Point council ( Benfleet in Essex ) would take some beating. but they are all bent and run by self serving crooks. they are just the same as the main government. in it to  embezzle what ever they can

  17. Most of them are corrupt. It seems to start at grass roots level and rises up the ladder straight to government, but Parish/Town Councils take some beating.

  18. Westminster Council.  Big money there.

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