
What is Britain coming to when we have dentists in tents?

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According to this morning's Daily Express dentists are coming from Hungary and setting up in tents to solve the NHS dental crisis. Will we have field hospitals next?. Although they maybe cleaner than our present ones. Are we now living in a Third World country?. When will this Labour Government get it's act together and sort out the NHS?.




  1. Judging from the state of the average Briton's teeth, I'd say it is a step in the right direction that you finally have dentists.

  2. You're the fools that wanted your government to give you "free health care".  You simply got what you asked for.

  3. Sure?

    Having dentist in tents?


    We advancing in time or moving backwards in time.

    Look in the real world.

    Notice any cave-men with club on the shoulder from the twilight zone in different time zone in the neighbourhood?

    If we do have them around.

    Then will be in real trouble soon living in caves too in time.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  4. The tents are also said to be equipped with far superior equipment than you would find in the average dentist's surgery here.

  5. Well I have pulled out one of my own teeth to save the waiting time - so tents fine as long as they know what they are doing.

  6. there is always genocide- that solves alot of problems in a country lol

  7. I wonder how many MPs will use them.

    Every election each party says it will improve the NHS and every year it costs more and we get less. Mostly because of the ridiculously high wages taken by doctors and surgeons for doing as little as possible.

  8. But the libs here in the US say socialized medicine works! Here in Phoenix there seems to be a dental office on every corner and they advertise like crazy to get customers. I receive about 3 ads in the mail evry week for dentists.

  9. I'm just amused by the Americans responding "if you lived in America you'd have plenty of choice of dentists".  Yes there are plenty of PRIVATE dentists in the UK too, charging through the nose for their procedures.  Anyone in the UK with dental insurance or the money to pay privately can have all the treatment they need.  The problem is that there are not enough NHS dentists which means that people who can't afford exorbitant private fees/insurance premiums are unable to access the treatment they need.  Bit like America, really.   Same difference.  So how can this problem be blamed on "socialised" healthcare?!

    The old joke about British people having "bad" teeth is not only stupid and inaccurate but very much out of date (do you know that that ridiculous stereotype has its roots in the 16th century?!).  Its like saying all Americans are stupid, uneducated, obese, burger-gobbling rednecks.  Oh wait . .  they are . . .

  10. Hi ,do you know what NHS means ( No help Soon ) Could be they are thinking about field hospitals next,you would not think it was the Labour party who started the NHS as they are h**l bent on ending it cash straped they say.

    Good on you Lady Moon

  11. The UK has become a third world country dentistrywise, there are still many people without dentists and there is no such thing as dentistry under the NHS. UK taxpayers pay for the training of all dentists within the UK but then they charge UK citizens private rates. No such thing as NHS dentistry anymore, it's go private or nothing. Which raises the question about the tax we pay to the Nhs for such services.

  12. I think we will have happy campers lol

  13. Come on this is not true there are not dentist in the U k and you know it

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