
What is Brown's Gas? Can I use it as a fuel for my car? I understand that the by product is water.?

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Hi Ozzigold, can I check how you do your home made kit, does it really work? Does it afect the car battery and its efficiency? Thanks




  1. You can find a lot of videos on you tube showing how it works. There are actually a lot of people who are experimenting with this while trying to improve ways of producing brown gas (HHO). These people in turn make their owns kits and use them in their cars. And now small companies are selling them. Do your research online and you'll see there's quite a movement on this right now.

    You may only hear about this through the internet because the people who are behind the media are tied in with those behind big oil companies. They make sure that things stay the way they are and have people in the right places with the power to do so.

    A lot of people think in fear (we have the media to thank for that) and are afraid of change therefore will believe that these conversion kits are scams. Sure all these people who put all their efforts into this are scammers! And they wouldn't be wasting that much time on something that doesn't give at least some results. Come on! Let's give them a chance.

    I'll purchase a kit myself in the next couple of weeks and try it out.

  2. It's a disguised name for dissociated water: H2 plus O2.  They're trying to convince you that it's free energy.  And it would be, if you could dissociate water without using energy.  But you use more energy taking water apart into H2 and O2 than you get in energy by burning them.  The fallacy that most people don't understand is that the energy for these on-car hydrogen generators comes from the alternator, and thus from the gasoline you're burning.  That's because the extra electrical load on the alternator makes the engine harder to turn.

  3. yes. its Hydrogen that you burn to drive your car and produce water

  4. Brown gas is a mix of hydrogen and oxygen, but I've seen it called HHO, or they claim to break down hydrogen-oxide, Dihydrogen monoxide or DHMO, hydroxic acid or hydroxylic acid, or as I like to call it water. You get less energy out then you put in. IT’S been TESTED and IT DOESN’T WORK! Every time this device is tested it fails badly.

    I sure you've read an ad where they claim that they can make brown gas and it'll will increase your fuel mileage, but all they are doing is taking electrical power from the alternator to break water in to hydrogen and oxygen.

    The math stuff is at the end, but just think about this, even if you believe the auto manufacturing companies are in bed with big oil, why hasn’t say India put it on their cars, or Japan a country that imports ALL it’s oil jumped on this? Or did big oil get to them too? You mean to tell me big oil got to every country that makes cars and they all sold out, come on, if really helped you’d see them on cars right now, the car companies have to make the CAFÉ numbers.

    This is just a con to part you from your money.

    Here's the math

    Assuming your engine is in perfect tune, you get about 20%-to 37% the energy you put into it back as work, you lose about 7% to friction and the rest is lost in the cooling system and exhaust. Now assuming your alternator is 55% efficient, and let do the math.

    Gasoline has a BTU of 18,000 per pound.

    So now we have 18,000 BTU to play with, assuming we have a very efficient engine we start with 18,000 times your engine efficiency so 18000 x 37% we now have 6660 Btu then assuming we have an alternator that is 55% efficient our 6660 now becomes 3663 BTU. So to break EVEN that 3663 BTU must produce 18,000 BTU of hydrogen, and to increase your fuel mileage it MUST make more.

    I know they told you the alternator is wasting electricity, it isn’t, when you don’t need as much electricity your alternator doesn’t put it out and thus doesn’t use as much power from the engine. But there is NO way for 3663 BTUs to make 18000 BTU if it could you would be making more power then you use


    Yes it’s used to produce fuel, but you don’t get as much energy back as you put in even NASA states that. At best it’s a storage device, once your batteries are charge up and you have excess power, you can use it break water, ie burnt hydrogen back into hydrogen and oxygen, but no matter what you can’t get back more energy then you put in.

    If you have solar panels that are producing electricity and you can’t store it in a battery or use it right away it would make sense to find work for it to do, ie make hydrogen and oxygen from water, but don’t think you’re going to break the laws of thermodynamics.

  5. If this process is such a scam, and totally ineffective, why does NASA use it to produce fuel? They also use the process in reverse to convert the gases back to drinking water for astronauts. Do they have more power in space to make this possible??

    My home-built HHO generator works great. I don't care how much extra power it pulls from the battery. My atlernator is quite capable of keeping up with it! At just 5-7 amps, I am sure there are people with stereo systems and driving lights that suck more power from the battery, but provide little in the way of  mileage improvement.

    The sceptics are free to continue paying top dollar for fuel and polluting the environment. My car now runs partly on water.

  6. That technology went away with the invention of Beano.

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