
What is CRT Tv screen? How will i know that our tv screen is a crt or not? 10 points?

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Please specify clearly what is a crt tv screen. Also, please explain the characteristics of a crt tv screen. Thank you.




  1. CRTs are the most easiest TV to identify of all. They are nearly the same televisions that have been around since the 1950s. They're are easy to tell by their size, and the glass sort of "bulb" for a screen. (Some are flat) but there will be substantial weight to it, and bulk in the back.

    They brodcast in what was considered 'standard resolution', now known as '480i'.

  2. CRT=Cathode Ray Tube

    High speed electrons strikes the front of CRT on phosphorus screen causing it to glow.......and produce picture

    in market, u can easily identify whether the tv is CRT or LCD

    LCD TV are slim (roughly 4" to 6") in depth

    CRT TV have roughly a depth of 25" to 30"

  3. CRT, they are heavy, classic TVs, the have a large bulk at the back. Emit a high pitched noise that needs sensitive ears to pick up. Not usually flatscreen or widescreen but they can be.

    Chances are, if you can lift it by yourself, and it has a bulk, it is CRT. Think about old computer monitors, the ones that aren't slim LCDs. Those are CRT based!

    LCDs are flat, less than 5" thick, same with Plasmas.

    Rear view projection TVs have a screen larger than 100cm, or 3 feet I believe. They also have a bulk at the back, but proportionally smaller than a CRT's

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