
What is Calendar Method of Inter-course ? Rhythem Method ?

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and What is Natural Family Planning ? can you provide me chart for calendar method ? not able to find in net search




  1. The rhythm method is a highly unreliable method of birth control. Unless of course, you are wanting to have children? In any case, try to opt for a different kind of contraceptive method like condoms, IUDs, birth control pills, and other more reliable forms. And NO the pulling out method is not good either. Neither method is a good form of contraceptive.

  2. Don't bother doesn't work!

  3. Natural family planning is other wise known as safe period method. In this method couple must not intercourse between 11th day to 16th day from menstrual period. Even if you want to intercourse at that time also you have to wear condom or Nirodh.

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