
What is Canada coming to by refusing respected American peace activists into our country?

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FBI Puts Antiwar Protesters on Criminal Database; Canada Uses It To Ban Protesters From Entry

Op Ed News | October 08, 2007

Rob Kall

Two well-respected US peace activists, CODEPINK and Global Exchange cofounder Medea Benjamin and retired Colonel and diplomat Ann Wright, were denied entry into Canada On October third. The two women were headed to Toronto to discuss peace and security issues at the invitation of the Toronto Stop the War Coalition. At the Buffalo-Niagara Falls Bridge they were detained, questioned and denied entry.

"In my case, the border guard pulled up a file showing that I had been arrested at the US Mission to the UN where, on International Women's Day, a group of us had tried to deliver a peace petition signed by 152,000 women around the world," says Benjamin. "For this, the Canadians labeled me a criminal and refused to allow me in the country."

"The FBI's placing of peace activists on an international criminal database is blatant political intimidation of US




  1. Good for Canada !

  2. wow~!

    Bush and his administration seem like a bad computer virus that infiltated our whole system, we are gonna have to put in a new operating system, check for errors, delete bad files and reboot~!!!

  3. should somehow find a way to get them into Canada, and then deny re-entry, but Canada had probably suspected that from the beginning

  4. Nelson Mandela is on that list too. Even McCarthy wasn't that over-board during his communist witch hunts.

  5. Their senses.

    Oh look, someone just now learned Mandela was on the list and had no clue before recently.  Mandela was an admitted terrorist.  But I'm sure the left has a new talking point to use now.


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