
What is Captive Breeding?

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What is Captive Breeding?




  1. Taking animals from the wild and breeding them, such as endangered animals.

  2. It's how I get dates.

  3. It's pretty close to what it sounds like!

    Captive breeding is when a species is held (such as in a zoo or a laboratory, usually in an environment resembling their niche) such that it can be bred - read, produce more organisms of that same species.

    This is usually done for conservation reasons and involves a significant amount of genetic research.  You want to avoid inbreeding or breeding animals that have certain negative genes that would confer less success to the next generation.

    Often, the goal of captive breeding is to be able to reintroduce that species back into the wild.  For example, the jaguars in Florida were decimated (actually in large part because the Native Americans there believed that certain parts of jaguars held religious significance).  Captive breeding was done with a few individuals from Florida and close relatives from another state (forgot which), so that the Floridian jaguars could be preserved as a populations with mostly the same unique genetic identity.

  4. captive breeding programs are most often used for threatened or endangered species. a few animals will be brought into captivity (males and females) and will be put together to mate. or sometimes there is artificial insemination. the hope is that they will bear young. in time, a sufficient amount of animals will be reared and in the perfect case scenario, released into the wild to help the current population blossom back to safety from extinction.

  5. Breeding animals in captivity.  This has been done for centuries.

  6. Friday night at my house.

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