
What is Christian yoga? Christians come to India and deride Hinduism, seek converts and then plagiarise yoga?

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  1. maybe you should stop and think that maybe it's not the religion that is full of hypocrisy...rather some of its followers are.

  2. The people like u tend to be confused and make others confused, first realse there is one God who created us, we created the religions so y look at other religion offcourse religion is a mode of worshipping God, creator of all.

  3. Yoga is so associated with religious ideas I think a Christians should avoid it.  If they mean stretching and excersizing they should say so.

    Isn't yoga a means of preparing for one's death in Indea.  Only in the west it mostly an excersize.

  4. Yoga is not particular one caste, one creed. It is common to all. One thing I want to tell you that if you don't have believe in you and then go for conversion, etc. Here in India, we taught was that give respect to elders, before doing any duty, get the blessings and do the duties. What Bhagavan Srikrishna said in His Githa, that do your duties without anticipation, duty is the God. Without doing any duty, some wants to get something, then the conversion, etc. will happen.

  5. I must admit that Hinduism has some good points... I own a set of The Vatsyayana Kama Sutra illustrated by Georges Pichard on lovemaking. It is really filled with ageless wisdom on how to enjoy one of the most neglected pleasures in Puritan controlled America... It is all the opposite of what the gory Bible and the Koran is all about!  I can't go into more details or I'll get suspended on the spot... But hey guys... more power to you!

  6. Some americans find the spiritual side of yoga practice at odds with their faith.  They think their god will send them to h**l for saying "Namaste".  Many of them are scared of meditation too.

    Don't let it bother you too much

  7. Christians are atheists. They may be Christians by birth, but i dont think they believe in any religion. yoga is considered an exercise by westerners who happen to be Christians. They visit India mostly because India is cheap, people are ignorant and white people are well respected.

    The westerners who try to convert people normally are retarded ones, who are deeply into religion. such people are a minority and target India where they think that people have similar mental disorder. It is difficult for them to understand why people worship trees, rats, monkeys, stones, snakes, cows, linga, yoni  etc  

  8. If Christians were smart, they would take Yoga because Jesus said: Take my Yoke, and Yoga means to "Yoke Together."

    So Jesus was giving out a way to be transformed, but they have yet to make that connection since they still think that Paul's gospel is Superior to the one Jesus preached. Read about the Original Gospel here:

  9. The word yoga means "union" in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India where yoga originated. We can think of the union occurring between the mind, body and spirit.

    What is commonly referred to as "yoga" can be more accurately described by the Sanskrit word asana, which refers to the practice of physical postures or poses.

    Asana is only one of the eight "limbs" of yoga, the majority of which are more concerned with mental and spiritual well being than physical activity. In the West, however, the words asana and yoga are often used interchangeably.

    Hindus do not have a copyright on the word yoga. So technically speaking there us nothing wrong in them using this word.

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