
What is Christmas Like In Australia?

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This Christmas, my sister and I are going to Australia to see family. I am too excited for this trip! What is Christmas like in Australia (see title for more details)?

In other questions, are things in Australia more expensive than in the US? Will I get far with $250?




  1. You sound like a decent person if you like vegemite, lol. I love vegemite too. Anyway, Christmas is very hot as it is in summer. Make sure that if you go out in the sun put some suncream on as you WILL get sunburnt pretty quickly over here. It is the best time of the year, the weather is hot, the birds and the bugs are out with the snakes and spiders, lol. The food tastes better and the drinks are that cold you can't hold em. $250 will go a little way if you are buying souvenirs, and vegemite etc. A jar of vegemite costs around $5. If you have never had a "Violet Crumble" (Purple Shiny Wrapper) (Chocolate Honeycomb Bar) find one at any supermarket chocolate aisle and get one, Yummmo. Have fun when you are here.

  2. my grandma went to america recently and she said things were alot cheaper there

    if you're just buying vegemite and stuff like that, nothing too crazy you should be fine

    i imagine you'd get about 200 american dollars worth of stuff in australia

    oh and what's christmas like

    well it's warm, we eat similar foods like roasts

    we also have the barbie going and have prawns

    we eat cherries is good

  3. Christmas is great, usually sunny for the barbie.

    $250 Aussie dollars is enough to go shopping for maybe a day!!

  4. Well I'm from Perth, Western Australia and all I can say is that it's freaking HOT HOT HOT to the point where you just wanna scream sometimes lol.

    Last Boxing Day (26th dec) we were the hottest place in the world that day, it was crazy.

    I'd love a white xmas.

  5. $250 I hope is your pocket money cause you are a kid, have fun sweetie.  Christmas in Australia is HOT and be achy, and BBQ;'s and water fights and ice blocks and cold cold drinks and watermelon and more mangoes than you could eat in a lifetime, think salad and prawns and sunblock and a hat and lots of good times and laughs.  Our dollar is very competitive to the US at the moment 1 Aussie dollar is about 5 cents difference to yours.  

    I am glad you are too excited for this trip!  You will have a lovely time!  Bring swimmers!

  6. christmas is nothing like usa,well i only no usa christmas from tv but,,it seems to get less an less like christmas every year in oz ,,but that could be becaus im not ten years old anymore,,,and for your 250bux,..well  i dont no how much stuf is in usa..but to go to the movies here is about 15 or so bux,an clothes vary store to store,t,shirts can be 9,95 up to 59,95. so i dunno,,,i just bought season 3 of lost yesterday for 59,95,,oh yeah cristmas is summer here,,,,,,,,,,

  7. FOr me, there are 2 Christmases in Australia. one that falls in Summer and the other in Winter (also known as Christmas in July. I experienced this when i stayed at Blue Mountains for a time). The first one, is a great time for partying and other outdoor fun. Many festivals are celebrated during this season. Friends and families are out for picnic and recreational activities.  The second one is equally nice as well. It falls during the winter so there's snow everywhere. and though it is celebrated in the months between june and aug/sept, you can still feel the spirit of Christmas because everywhere is decorated with lights and holiday ornaments.

    With $250, you couldnt get that far if you stay in a luxury hotel. I suggest you get cheap but really nice lodges/motor inns. You wouldn't have a hard time finding one since there's lots of 'em in Aussie, especially in the cities.

    Good luck. i hope you have a wonderful time

  8. well, christmas in australia is like in the middle of summer, so its pretty much the partying season, everyones out and about.  The country is the most alive during this time of year.  So pretty much the beaches and amusement/theme parks are where you wanna be. I'm not quite sure whether australia is more expensive than the US. I think that food and clothing are around the same price, but electronics are definitely cheaper in USA.  $250 australian would probably be a day's worth of shopping or even less if you buy fancy stuff.

    Be warned that christmas is very different here. Alot of the christmas activities that exist in the US are non existent here. The holiday just isn't celebrated as widely as it is in America.  Well you have to remember that our christmas is in summer so things are obviously gonna be different.

    Australia has alot to offer for it's tourist, and the christmas season is definitely the best time to visit. I hope you have an awesome trip.

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