
What is Cordoba, Spain like as far as houses, schools, dating customs, music, family life, and clothing style?

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I am doing a project for Spanish class on Cordoba, Spain and I need lots of info. please help me!!




  1. I just answered your other question. The websites I gave you there should also be good to help you with this part of your project.

    Clothing nowadays is mostly international, you'll find the same clothes on young people in Cordoba, Paris, New York or London!

    Music is also an amalgam of international music... the young preferring the stuff called..."house", " hip-hop", and all the other varieties.... However the classic spanish music is also played (flamenco, sevillanas, rumbas, etc.). The kids may go out dancing and start with rap, then end up dancing a "sevillana"!

    Dating customs are also about the same as in the rest of Europe.

    Houses are as I explained in your previous question....

    Schools are of a fairly good level, on general terms...

    The following Wikipedia page will give you info on that...

    Family life is still something you will find in Spain, although with both parents usually working, it has diminished somewhat, and kids are sometimes on their own during certain hours of the afternoon. Families try to offset this by finding extrracurricular and sports activities to keep the kids busy in a healthy way.

    The family generally has its main daily contact around the dinner table in the evening sharing their meal, and often watching some tv at the same time...

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