
What is Country of Citizenship? Is it the country you were born in or the one you are the resident of?

by Guest65739  |  earlier

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I hold a British passport but I was not born in UK. I also hold the passport for the country I was born in. In this case what would my country of citizenship be? England or the country I was born in?





  1. Chances are that if you have 2 passports, you have dual citizenship.

    Citizenship has nothing necessarily to do with residency. I am an American citizen and will be all my life (unless it is for some reason taken away from me), but I have resided in 4 foreign countries and have never been a citizen of those countries. I almost became a citizen of Italy but didn't have the time to apply before I left. I had the chance to become a citizen of Germany but Germany didn't allow dual citizenship at the time and I will never give up my Ami citizenship. In a few years time, if the laws don't change, I may become a citizen of Switzerland.

    John: Since when does the US not allow dual citizenship???

  2. Passports are only eligible to citizens---so in your case it sounds like you are a citizen of both countries.

    to the guys above me-------not that the US does not allow dual citizenship, it just doesn't recognize it.  Both my son and I are dual citizens of the US and Canada.  The US does not recognize our citizenship in Canada but they cannot take it away.

  3. Maria_79 is wrong. Being born in a country does not give you citizenship. it is usually inherited from your parents. some people have two or more citizenships because their countries countries allow it.Many countries,like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, and the USA, do not, but some people are holding onto passports illegally, that they should have given up when they aquired Britsih citizenship.

    All citizenship depends on the laws of the country concerned, and every one has the right to make its own rules about who can be citizens and how it is aquired. There are many differences between countries.

    If you look in your British passport and it says 'British Citizen' then that is what you are..You can look in your other passport and  see what it says there, then you will know the answer to your question, won't you?

  4. It's not where you hold a passport from, it's where you are a legal citizen.  It sounds like it would be the country you were born in, based on what you wrote.

  5. You are a citizen of a country.  That is the Country of Citizenship.  It is reasonable to assume the country that issued you the passport is also the country that is your home in terms of citizenship.

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