
What is Cuckoo spit and where does it come from?

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What is Cuckoo spit and where does it come from?




  1. Blackbirds!

  2. well not over certain but I think its Cuckoo's who have a Flem prob lam caused by global warming or being asthmatic

  3. It is the larval stage of the frog hopper aphid. The spit is produced by the plant and prevents the insect from desiccating.

  4. It is the deposit of a type of aphid.

    If you have cuckoo spit you have bugs on your plants that you need to get rid of.  A soft soap spray or just a good strong jet of water will work.

    My Rosemary is covered in it this year - never had it on there before so the bugs must be getting tougher!

  5. cuckoo spit is an aphid lavae,  they turn into those really pretty little tiny bright green things that look like grass hoppers, they do no damage whatsoever to your plants and in fact when they have hatched will do a good job in eating things you dont want in your garden like greenfly and blackfly.

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