
What is Custom duty for Importing a used car to Pakistan

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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What is Custom duty for Importing a used car to Pakistan?

I need urgent information regarding Custom duty on Importing a used car to Pakistan. I am moving to pakistan next month and i would like to take my car with me. Tried searching online for information but finding it hard to find anything that fits my situation. Some say you can't take a car older than a certain age and others say you can but pay more. i will be living in lahore and would like to know what it will cost me to import my car there, also is there any sea port in lahore where i can directly ship the car.

Is the custom duty in Pakistan is based on the weight of the car, make or model and does it matter how old is the car? My car is only 3 years old but still looks brand new. Will the custom duty be charged based on the price of the car in Pakistan or will it be based on the purchase price.

Any help in this matter will be very much appreciated.

 Tags: car, custom, duty, Importing, Pakistan


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